Safeguarding trainers needed

Published: Monday December 5, 2022

A line of people sitting down and making notesCould you help to deliver basic and foundation safeguarding training in your parish? Becca Faal, Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is looking for more volunteer trainers to help make our churches safer.

A group of parish safeguarding officers met with Becca to talk about the work they have been doing delivering training in their local areas.

One trainer said, “I am passionate about safeguarding and I want it done right. I was disappointed in the engagement with the online training and so I was prepared to deliver it locally to help get people through the training.”

Another trainer said, “I was surprised how many people decided to take me up on face-to-face training. More and more people are asking for the next session, so there’s obviously an appetite for those people who aren’t so confident to follow it online.”

They offer coffee and cake, or bacon sandwiches which help encourage people to come along, as well as being a friendly and approachable face.

If you feel you might be interested in learning the skills to deliver this training, speak to ku.gr1739243421o.coi1739243421dsolg1739243421@laaf1739243421acceb1739243421" class="broken_link">Becca Faal, your priest, and your local parish safeguarding officer to take the first steps.

Listen to the full interview here


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