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One World, One Church, Our Diocese in Partnership

Thy Kingdom Come map around the world prayer

Our links

There are over 80 million worshipping Christians around the globe in over 160 countries. The Diocese of Gloucester has forged a special link with four dioceses overseas (listed on the right). The Church is a gift that needs to be valued. Links across cultures allow friendships to develop whereby people can begin to understand one another better, while exploring differences. Our five diocesan links are with Karnataka Central and Dornakal in India, Västerås in Sweden, and Western Tanganyika in Africa.

Find out more about our diocesan partnerships, their purpose and how they work here… DPG Overview 2017.

Getting involved

There are several ways in which individuals and parishes can become more involved.

1. Pray
All the projects and people mentioned on this webpage need regular prayer support. Building a fruitful and fulfilling link cannot be done without committed prayer from those involved. Our Diocesan Cycle of Prayer provides a framework for doing so.

2. Give
Making a donation to our link dioceses is a tangible way of directly supporting their work and ministry. Money donated by you will be entrusted to our partnership representatives and spent in a way that fits best with the local needs. You may choose to donate individually, as a group or as a PCC.


Membership of the Diocesan Partnership Group
The Diocesan Partnership Group meets twice a year to facilitate the above but also shares reports and ideas between meetings. It is made up of:
Archdeacon of Cheltenham : Chair
The Revd Gary Grady : Link Officer, Diocese of Karnataka Central (Church of South India)
Mrs Penny Fayter : Link Officer, Diocese of Dornakal (Church of South India)
The Revd Canon Helen Sammon : Link Officer, Diocese of Western Tanganyika (Tanzania)
Mr Steven Peachey : Link Officer, Diocese of Vasteras (Church of Sweden)
In addition either Bishop Rachel or Bishop Robert will attend each meeting.