Parish Returns user guide →
National Parish Returns website
See also: Parish Data / Stats for Mission
If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact the Diocese Office for assistance. Remember you can submit your return via the office using the forms below and we will enter the data for you.
Parish Returns user guide →
Why do we need Parish Returns data?
Every year we ask parishes to complete a series of questions regarding attendance, membership, activities, finances and, most recently, about the energy footprint of the Church. By submitting your Parish Returns it gives us the opportunity to explore how your attendance and income/expenditure have shifted over the last few years. The data you provide is used in many ways in both our diocese and nationally.
Your statistics also form an essential foundation to discussions within synod about the future of our Church, and in mapping trend data.
We are very thankful to parishes and the many people involved in collating the returns and making sure the returns are as accurate as possible.
How to submit your Parish Return
The Online Parish Returns System is the preferred place to upload your responses. If you do not have an account for the parish returns, please get in touch with Helen Crawford at ku.gr1738864957o.coi1738864957dsolg1738864957@snru1738864957terhs1738864957irap1738864957 and an account will be set up for you. If you already have an account, but have forgotten your login details, you can use the ‘forgotten username/password’ function on the website or contact us for assistance.
Data entered online is automatically checked for errors and gives you an opportunity to review your figures/information before you finally submit them. You don’t need to enter the data all at once and it will save what information has been entered so you can come back to it at a later date.
You will also have access to previous years information using charts and a general overview. This then allows you to see trends of your church. Click ‘View data’ in the menu at the top of the online system.
If you cannot submit information via the online system for any reason, you can send your completed form via email to ku.gr1738864957o.coi1738864957dsolg1738864957@snru1738864957terhs1738864957irap1738864957 or by post to Parish Returns, Church House, College Green, Gloucester GL1 2LY and we will ensure that the information is uploaded to the online system on your behalf.
Statistics for Mission
The deadline for submitting your 2024 Statistics for Mission is 31 January 2025.
If data is not submitted for your parish then the National Church will make an educated guess to fill in the gaps. This will mean that your data is inaccurate and may show that things are not what is actually happening within your church. For example that there is no children’s work when in reality there is a health, growing children’s ministry.
See previous Statistics for Mission →
Finance Return
You are now able to upload your figures for your 2024 Finance Return. The deadline is 28 June 2025. Below is a copy of the form to aid you in gathering your data before logging into the Online Parish Returns System.
Please ensure the figures agree with those in your annual accounts, and once the accounts have been approved at your APCM, please forward a copy of your full accounts to the finance team at ku.gr1738864957o.coi1738864957dsolg1738864957@maet1738864957ecnan1738864957if1738864957.
Energy Footprint Tool
The Energy Footprint Tool is now open for 2024. The deadline is 30 June 2025.
If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact the Diocese Office for assistance.