Religious Education

Our hope, for all in our family of church schools, is that Religious Education is a valued academic subject providing opportunities for pupils to confidently explore and discover what people of all faiths and worldviews believe and what difference this makes to the way they live. RE should also ensure pupils flourish as they gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief and reflect on their own ideas and ways of living.

The syllabus for Religious Education is determined locally by SACREs (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education). For details of the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus please contact Debbie Helme details for the South Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus can be found here. In addition, all schools will be able to use the resource Understanding Christianity.

Religious Education plays a vital role in church schools, the expectations and standards required for the subject are clarified in the Church of England’s

RE Statement of Entitlement for Church Schools.

This is inspected under 2023 SIAMS framework (pages 10 & 11)

There are many ways the education team at the Diocese aim to support schools with these high expectations and aspirations. We train and resource RE Hub Leaders, facilitating them to lead local RE hubs regularly. We offer a range of bespoke and central training for RE. Please read the Diocesan Education Newsletter – DEN  for regular RE updates.

If you have any specific questions around RE provision, please contact Debbie Helme, our Principal Advisor for School Christian Character incl. RE, Collective Worship and Spirituality.