On Tuesday evening 28 January, I watched the Channel 4 news with shock and dismay as yet another Church of England situation was under the spotlight in relation to abuse.Continue reading
Tag: Safeguarding
Safeguarding bishops apologise to survivors following Archbishop’s speech
Bishops Joanne Grenfell, (Bishop of Stepney and Lead Safeguarding Bishop for the Church of England), Julie Conalty (Bishop of Birkenhead and Deputy Lead Safeguarding Bishop) and Robert Springett (Bishop ofContinue reading
A message from Bishop Rachel on the Archbishop’s valedictory speech
As a member of the Lords Spiritual and as your diocesan bishop, I was deeply saddened and perturbed by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s valedictory speech in the House of Lords yesterday (5 December 2024).
A message from Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert, Friday 15 November
We are acutely aware that this past week in the life of the Church of England has been turbulent and painful, particularly for victims and survivors of abuse, who mustContinue reading
An updated message from Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert on the Makin review, 12 November
Following the news that the Archbishop of Canterbury has today offered his resignation, Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert have updated the message they shared on 11 November.
Independent review into Church’s handling of Smyth case published
A message from Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert regarding John Smyth, 11 November 2024
Unconscious Bias Training
We all have opinions, are aware of it and make allowances. What is of greater concern is those of which we are unconscious. This training, which is part of ourContinue reading
Unconscious Bias Training
We all have opinions, are aware of it and make allowances. What is of greater concern is those of which we are unconscious. This training, which is part of ourContinue reading
Andy’s dedication to safeguarding training
This month, we’re celebrating some of our amazing safeguarding volunteers. Andrew Hall, a professional trainer with 14 years of self-employed experience in health and safety training, has recently channelled hisContinue reading
Safeguarding in the Diocese of Gloucester
In February of this year our diocese, including Gloucester Cathedral, was externally audited for our safeguarding work. This audit was part of the Church of England’s ongoing commitment toContinue reading
Hairdressers, publicans, parish councillors and priests wanted to target rural domestic abuse
A survivor of domestic abuse working for GDASS (Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service) is rolling out community training in identifying domestic abuse to rural communities in Gloucestershire, in an initiativeContinue reading
Unconscious Bias Training
We all have opinions, are aware of it and make allowances. What is of greater concern is those of which we are unconscious. This training, which is part of ourContinue reading
Research participants wanted
Research participants wanted: Christian theology and child protection practices in the Church of England. Brett Riches, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, is conducting research for his dissertation as part of an MScContinue reading
Mothers’ Union on 16 days of activism against gender-based violence
The Mothers’ Union is taking part in the 16 days against gender-based violence with its ‘No More 1 in 3’ campaign against domestic abuse and gender-based violence. The organisation hasContinue reading
iNEQE safeguarding audit – take the survey
The Diocese of Gloucester is one of the first few dioceses and cathedrals working with the new national safeguarding audit process with the iNEQE. As part of this audit theContinue reading
What it’s like to go on a Mental Health First Aider training course
In September, Jo Sanders, from St Catharine’s, Gloucester, attended the Mental Health First Aider training course, run by the Diocese of Gloucester. Having completed Safeguarding training, led by Becca Faal,Continue reading
Register your church for Safeguarding Sunday
On Sunday 19 November, churches across the Diocese are invited to join a national campaign marking Safeguarding Sunday together. The registration page for Safeguarding Sunday is now live and youContinue reading
Raising awareness of domestic abuse
Raising awareness of domestic abuse There is a requirement that the Raising awareness of domestic abuse course is completed by all clergy, PTO, Readers, Bishop and Pastoral visitors, Parish SafeguardingContinue reading
Leadership Safeguarding Training- 7 November & 14 November
This training is delivered online via Zoom. It is spread over two 90-minute sessions. It requires some pre learning to be submitted prior to the training. The second part willContinue reading
Safeguarding – Basic Awareness & Foundation
Basic and Foundation safeguarding courses are both available online through the Safeguarding Portal. However we are offering Face to Face training for those who prefer face to face training. The training willContinue reading
Leadership Safeguarding Training- 21 September & 28 September
This training is delivered online via Zoom. It is spread over two 90-minute sessions. It requires some pre learning to be submitted prior to the training. The second part willContinue reading
Recognising the difference a volunteer can make
After 10 years serving as Parish Safeguarding Officer at St Lawrence, Barnwood in Gloucester, Jane Brown has now stepped down. Popular and effective, Jane has made a lasting impression onContinue reading
Stand up to domestic abuse: Message from Bishop Rachel
A survey to understand the culture, behaviours, knowledge, and skills in the Church in terms of recognising and responding to domestic abuse
Risk assessments for activities with children and young people
Becca Faal, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, and Barrie Voyce, Senior Youth Connector, discuss the benefit that safeguarding risk assessments bring to planning and running activities with children and young people. BarrieContinue reading