Curates and Training Incumbents

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The Collaborative Ministry: Foundations Lead is  Revd David Treharne
See also: Ministry team
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We have a very strong group of curates in the Diocese of Gloucester and with over 30 curates and over 40 training parishes, we are constantly looking at ways of developing our Curate Training Programme, (officially titled Initial Ministerial Development).

Most of the training takes place in the parish and is supervised by the training incumbent. There are also training events (IMD) which bring curates together for mutual support and learning. The aim is to develop curates competence in the tasks they have to perform, but even more important to develop their formation as ministers of God. To access the relevant IMD year programme please see the link below mainly for curates.

The Curate Handbooks, one for each of the first three years of the curacy, set out the principles and overall pattern for the training programme, and should be read by all curates and training incumbents. Hard copies are available from Julie Mansfield.

There is also an extensive range of resources from setting up the curacy through to moving on which may be helpful when the time is right.

Developing your ministry
See also: Ministry team

Who’s Who

Revd David Treharne

Collaborative Ministry: Foundations Lead

Email David


SSM – Parish to home boundary travel expenses form (Word)
Sermon feedback form
Worship feedback form

Training in the First Three Years Checklist – practical list for ministerial tasks expected as part of a curacy

Creating your Portfolio

The role of the interim supervisor
What to do when the Incumbent leaves

Key Resources for Rural Ministry (from the Arthur Rank Centre)

IMD Programme 2024-25



Mainly for curates

Year 1 handbook 2023_24

Year 2 handbook 2023_24

Year 3 handbook 2023-24

Mainly for Training Incumbents

Leading Worship – giving a curate confidence and competence
How to Give Good Supervision
Learning Styles and Ministry
Leadership Styles and Temperament

Curacy Review

Learning Plan
Learning Plan for the new formation qualities

Document search:

Please visit the document search tool to hunt through contents of all uploaded documents.

See also:

Grove Booklet P173 (2011) ‘Supervising a Curate’ by Rick Simpson available at no cost for Gloucester training incumbents and curates.  For a copy contact Julie.

CofE Curates Facebook group