About creative arts
‘Using sport, music and art to build relationships and share the Christian faith’ is a priority of the LIFE vision for the Diocese.
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The Creative Arts Priority Group exists to promote the use of the creative arts in all its forms to share faith and build relationships as part of the Diocese of Gloucester’s Life Vision.
Putting on an arts event in a church
The resources below are for anyone wanting to put on an arts event in a church. This could be a visual arts exhibition, music concert, workshop, art day, literature event, film, drama performance or comedy act. There are wonderful opportunities through the arts to: outreach to your wider community, share our Christian heritage, or express our faith through exciting and innovative ways, as seen at the Christian Arts Festival. Arts events are also a great way to invite secular organisations to bring their arts and at the same time they will learn more about what goes on within our walls …
Understanding between Church & Artistes
Notes for Questionnaire
Artists and performers index
If you would like further information or advice on putting an arts event on in your church, please contact Nikki Seville.
Sharing Stories
In this section, we offer some stories of what people have done to make this happen and how it can look. There are many different ways of engaging through the arts; each story will be unique. We hope these might offer some inspiration and ideas to support the work of your community. And if you have a story to share, please let us know! (Contact details are on the right).
Our Theological Statement
We recognise that art is a wonderful way to build relationships and share the Christian faith because:
• The creative arts offer a sense of awe and wonder that reflect the Creator God.
• Through the creative arts, either as a participant or audience, we can experience the divine and share reverence for God – Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.
• This reminds us that we are co-creators with God drawing people into a transformational relationship with Jesus Christ.
• The arts can help people explore themselves and their relationship with God and the world.
• Involvement with the creative arts enables people to value, respect, challenge and appreciate one another.
• The creative arts allow people to express themselves and communicate in new and varied ways. This can be particularly empowering for those who find expression through words difficult.
• The arts should be accessible to all by their very nature.
We believe:
• Experiencing the arts can be very life affirming.
• The arts can help us to explore what it is to be human.
• The arts can allow us to explore God’s values and grow in our relationship with the person of Jesus.
• This can help us to explore issues of truth and justice through open discussion and healthy disagreement.
• The arts can speak to the soul, fire the imagination and draw us closer to God.
See also:
Children, youth and families
Messy Church
‘The Real Me’ resource
Christian Arts Festival ‘Art Extravaganza
Festival of Stars 2021
Artists’ Response to EDEN Art Competition
‘Faith’ exhibition by Russell Haines
‘The Real Me’ Messy Church resource now available