Do you struggle with nailing down your priorities when you’re planning? So many excellent options, coupled with New Year’s resolutions can sometimes lead to overwhelming expectations and unrealistic commitments. KateContinue reading
Tag: Becca Faal
What it’s like to go on a Mental Health First Aider training course
In September, Jo Sanders, from St Catharine’s, Gloucester, attended the Mental Health First Aider training course, run by the Diocese of Gloucester. Having completed Safeguarding training, led by Becca Faal,Continue reading
Risk assessments for activities with children and young people
Becca Faal, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, and Barrie Voyce, Senior Youth Connector, discuss the benefit that safeguarding risk assessments bring to planning and running activities with children and young people. BarrieContinue reading
Journey through Lent with The Clewer Initiative
This Lent, The Clewer Initiative* invites you to join them in reflecting on some of the parallels between Jesus’ final journey and the suffering of many victims of modern slavery.Continue reading
Safeguarding trainers needed
Could you help to deliver basic and foundation safeguarding training in your parish? Becca Faal, Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is looking for more volunteer trainers to help make our churches safer.Continue reading
OneDiocese blog: Becca’s call to Make It Slavery Free
Anti-Slavery Day is on 18 October and we’re encouraging everyone to take the Make It Slavery Free pledge either on the day, or at a time that works for you.Continue reading
Safeguarding Newsletter: January 2022
From Becca Faal, Diocesan Strategic Lead for safeguarding training and learning Happy New Year everyone! There are a few safeguarding changes to be aware of in 2022 so I thoughtContinue reading
Safeguarding resources developed especially for young people
The Church of England is investing in a ground-breaking programme of safeguarding training and resources, created especially for children and young people. The project was the brainchild of BeccaContinue reading