Everyday Faith

Everyday Faith logoEveryday Faith is an initiative across the Church of England to enable the whole people of God to live out the Good News of Jesus confidently in all of life, Sunday to Saturday. So what does it mean to live a faith ‘Sunday through to Saturday’? How can we be the Church in such a broken world?

Bishop Rachel talks about the culture change before us, as we move together towards freedom in Christ:


She says, “Living and sharing a Jesus shaped life … that’s what discipleship is all about. This is about being the seasoning of salt throughout our world; the shining of light in places of immense pain and struggle. This is about our identity in Christ – being more fully who we are as we continue to go on becoming who we have been called to be – it’s about authentic discipleship in places of pain and struggle as well as places of ease and joy.”

Everyday Faith, nationally

Everyday Faith challenges a culture that over-emphasises a distinction between sacred and secular to a fuller vision of calling within the all-encompassing scope of the Gospel – not to limit vocation to church based roles.

There is an #EverydayFaith national series now available, offering reflections and prayers to help you find and follow God in everyday life:
More info on CofE site

Visit CofE website for SGPF hub →
See also: Thy Kingdom Come

Follow @churchofengland on twitter

A Festival of Everyday Faith

In October 2020, we gathered together from all over the diocese to explore different ways to become confident in what it means to be a Christian in everything we do – work, rest or play. Videos and resources from the day are still relevant and available.

Main Festival hub page →
Live Zoom recordings from the festival →

Visit the Hub page of Festival of Everyday Faith for more →

Transformwork UK

Transformwork UK has been working with the SGPF team in Liverpool, among other places. You can hear Grace’s testimony in the video below. The event focussed on Christians who may be struggling in the workplace.
Find or start a workplace group here →