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Core Education Team
Bishop’s Visitors

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The Diocese of Gloucester family of schools spans two Local Authorities, (Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire,) two Archdeaconries, (Gloucester and Cheltenham) and nine Deaneries.

There are a variety of schools across the Diocese, including small rural primary schools with mixed age classes, large city schools, schools with attached nursery provision and wraparound care, as well as All Saints Academy (Secondary). Some schools are maintained by the Local Authorities and are designated as either Voluntary Aided or Voluntary Controlled; some schools have entered into a formal agreement as part of a federation or group of schools.  Other schools are part of a Multi Academy Trust, including Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust (DGAT). Currently there are also 3 schools that are stand alone academies.

Click here to see our Schools Map

Our Vision:

With high aspiration for excellence, we are passionate for all within our family of schools to experience God’s love in a culture of care, dignity and hope.

Our Christian values underpin all that we do.


Core Principles:

  • We put children at the centre of our decision-making to ensure they have an exceptional school experience
  • We work collaboratively and in partnership with GDBF and other professional colleagues
  • We treat everyone with dignity and respect – we are reflective and open to challenge
  • We work with care, honesty and integrity
  • We are outward looking and collaborative; learning from and sharing with other dioceses
  • We work in partnership with our family of schools
  • We work sensitively within each individual school community
  • We are inclusive and offer a wide range of services to all our schools
  • We provide enhanced support for schools experiencing difficulties

In all our work we seek to support and promote the National Church of England Vision for Education and the Diocesan LIFE vision.

All our work is supported through regular prayer.

Schools Calendar for Intercessions

In all our work we seek to support and promote the National Church of England Vision for Education and the Diocesan LIFE vision. Our vision for education for our family of schools is rooted in Jesus’ words from John’s gospel, chapter 10:10: “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full”. The Education team and wider team, including; Bishop’s Visitors, RE Hub Leaders, Consultants and SIAMS Inspectors work together to support not only the flourishing of every child, but also the flourishing of school communities within their deanery groups.

To find out more about the Education Team, to investigate which Archdeaconry your school falls within and to navigate this website further, please click on one of the links below.

Archdeaconry list of Diocese of Gloucester Schools

Main sections:

Becoming an academy or joining a Multi-Academy Trust
Headteacher Support
School Admissions
School Buildings and School Trusts
Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)
Spiritual Development in Schools
Collective Worship
Religious Education
Schools Training, Support and Events
Diocesan Education Newsletter
Jumping Fish Publications

Our current highlight:

Bishop’s Visitors (BVs) to Schools – Diocese of Gloucester Volunteer Scheme

Bishop’s Visitors are appointed by the Bishops of Gloucester and Tewkesbury.  The aim of the scheme is to provide pastoral support to the school, especially the headteacher, as appropriate, and to foster links between the school, the local church, the wider community and the Diocese. We encourage you to read the article and watch the video below and get in touch if you have an interest in becoming a Bishop’s Visitor by emailing the Diocese of Gloucester Education Team at:  ku.gr1737748343o.coi1737748343dsolg1737748343@noit1737748343acude1737748343

Read about Bishop’s Visitors in the article:

Could you provide pastoral support to C of E schools?