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Developing Your Ministry Jan – Jul 2025 Course flier
Resourcing Clergy Care and Wellbeing
Into Incumbency Programme 2024-25
Sources of Funding
Opportunities for Sabbatical Leave and Study
Delegates Guide to Sabbatical Process
Sabbatical – Initial enquiry form
Ministers Handbook – previously known as Incumbent’s Handbook
Training: Open to all →
- Open the Gospel Learning Community
10/03/2025 - Open the Gospel Learning Community
03/03/2025 - Fundraising Workshop
01/03/2025 - Grant Writing Workshop
25/02/2025 - Open the Gospel Learning Community
Training: Clergy →
- Into Incumbency: Environment and Faith
19/03/2025 - Open the Gospel Learning Community
17/03/2025 - Open the Gospel Learning Community
10/03/2025 - Open the Gospel Learning Community
03/03/2025 - Into Incumbency: Legal Matters
Training: Readers →
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The ministry of the Church is not limited to a select few, nor those who are ordained. We seek to encourage and develop the ministry of all God’s people, and we recognise that ministry needs are local. The Department of Mission and Ministry has specialist officers who advise, support and resource parishes to take forward the mission of God.
A good place to start: Cultures and Values of Ministry
Ministerial Development Reviews (MDRs)
An annual opportunity for clergy and licensed lay workers to review their ministry with the support of a peer facilitator. The emphasis is on supporting your self-reflection both through the preparatory work you are asked to do and in the review meeting itself.
If you have received an email from your reviewer you can download the necessary documents from here:
1 Introduction to Development Review
2 MDR Preparatory Paper & Guidance
3 MDR Summary Form
4 CMD Report
Developing Your Ministry Portfolio
Includes something for everyone; those looking for refreshment, pursuing an area of interest or wishing to discover something new. Some events specific to the roles of clergy and/or Readers but many are ideal to invite others from the parish to attend. All enable networking and sharing. Events and courses are subsidised but we ask for a small contribution towards venue or catering costs. When Readers or clergy book, the charge is taken directly from the CMD account, for all other payments we ask for a cheque payable to ‘Gloucester DBF’.
Clergy Continued Ministerial Development (CMD)
Participation in CMD is a duty for all clergy, but should also be a rewarding experience. Attendance to portfolio training is recorded and discussed at Episcopal or Ministerial Reviews when every ordained minister is expected to describe at least two examples of CMD, and the impact upon their ministry. These are additional to the twice yearly Bishop’s Study days.
Bishop’s Ministry Gatherings
The bishop gathers the clergy and licensed lay workers together for worship and reflection on an aspect of theology or ministry. These are important days of stimulation and building of our collegiate life. All stipendiary and house for duty clergy should attend (and respond to the bishop if they have reason to be absent), and it is hoped that all licensed self-supporting clergy will be there if their work allows. All costs are covered – contributions are not taken from individual CMD accounts.
The Bishop also invites and expects clergy to gather in the Cathedral, so far as is possible for:
- The Chrism Mass, or Service for the Blessing of the Oils and Renewal of Ordination
- Vows, on the morning of Maundy Thursday
- The annual Ordination of Priests
The CMD Allowance
Each ordained licensed minister (beyond curacy) and licensed lay worker is given a CMD account (or ‘pot’) of £160. At the beginning of each year up to £160 is added, to a maximum total of £250. To use the account for development outside of the portfolio approval must be sought from the Director of Mission & Ministry.
Stipendiary Clergy are encouraged to apply for a sabbatical, where circumstances allow, if they have been in ministry for at least 7 years, or it is this long since their last sabbatical.
A sabbatical can bring lasting benefit to ministry and should be seen as part of the conscious development of ministry, and not simply as an interlude away from it. It is an opportunity offered to clergy at the discretion of the Bishop, not a right to be claimed.
Higher Education Courses
Clergy who are interested in the possibility of pursuing a higher degree should come to discuss their ideas with the Director of Mission & Ministry.
Further Information
Full team contact information
See also: Permission to Officiate
A list of our ongoing groups can be found here