Diocesan Registrar, Legal Information, Privacy Notice and Complaints, concerns about us and whistleblowing


Gloucester Diocesan Board of Finance is a registered charity & a company limited by guarantee.
Registered charity number: 251234. Company number: 162165
Registered office: Church House, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LY




Legal notices and news

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See also:

Info re Church Buildings
Clergy Housing
Archdeacon’s page

Diocesan Registrar

The Gloucester Diocesan Registry is based at a legal firm in Bristol, headed by the Diocesan Registrar Mr Jos Moule. He is supported by a team able to respond to a wide range of parish enquiries, from Registry searches to reservation of graves, and they can be contacted as follows:

Gloucester Diocesan Registry
Veale Wasbrough Vizards
Narrow Quay House
Narrow Quay

Tel. 01173 145680


Privacy Notices

Please note that these Notices are subject to change.
To exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints please in the first instance contact
Canon Judith Knight
Deputy Diocesan Secretary
The Gloucester Diocesan Board of Finance
Church House, College Green. Gloucester GL1 2LY
Tel: 01452 410022

Complaints, concerns about us and whistleblowing

If you have a complaint or concern about how we have dealt with a safeguarding issue, please see the following policy and procedure documents below:

Safeguarding Complaints Procedure 2022

Diocesan Complaints Policy – 2022

Whistleblowing policy and procedure


Legal info: Creative Commons content

Some of the content on this site was built using open source, or CC-licensed content. A big thank you to all the developers and artists out there who share their work in order to benefit the community. Though not all content on this website is CC-licensed, we do share back and are actively involved in various development communities including Accessible Bristol, regional UX devs, the WordPress dev community & WCLDN, W3C networks and stack overflow.

Code customised from snippets via:

Mikko Saari
Vinoj Cardoza
Wordpress dev community
Dion Hulse
Juan Echeverry
Christoph Weil
Luigi Cavalieri
Sam Cavender
Modern Tribe
Hector Cabrera

Iconography via Noun Project CC-licensing model:

Edward Boatman
Bonnie Duffley
Candice Gras
Bruno Gätjens González
Gregor Cresnar
Francisco Garcia Gallegos
Made x Made
Adrian Escudero
Trevor Dsouza
Icon 54
Park Jisun
Gregor Cresnar

A picture of cookies! Yum!Legal info: Cookies

We’re required to inform you of the following information regarding cookies.
Our cookies cannot be used to identify you. We use them to help administrators of this website to login; cookies remember login details etc.

If you have genuine concerns, please get in touch.


Footnote: We have nothing against actual cookies, which are delicious.