Our Vision

“I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full.”
(John 10:10)

The LIFE Vision - visit link below for the text version
Read the text version of our vision ↓


You will find stories across our website of how our LIFE Together vision is being lived out.

A message from Bishop Rachel

As we continue our LIFE Together, I hope and pray for an even more kingdom-shaped panorama across the Diocese of Gloucester.

I pray that in the coming years there will be a rich variety of sustainable and diverse worshipping communities, long-established and new, celebrated as living and breathing beacons of love, hope and justice. Our worshipping communities will be enabling the Body of Christ to grow, be strengthened and to participate in God’s work amid joy and pain, such that new and existing baptised followers of Jesus Christ of all ages, backgrounds, colour and accent, are increasingly confident in living and sharing their stories of faith in their everyday contexts, rooted in prayer.

Stories of faith will be growing through strong links between pre-school groups, schools, homes and local worshipping communities, and we will be at the forefront of caring for creation.

Across the diocese we will be partnering with organisations, and making connections with people committed to the care and transformation of lives, communities and the environment, grounded in our desire for God’s kingdom to come on earth as in heaven.

As we serve and engage with the struggles and delights of the people and places of this diocese, people of all ages and backgrounds will be inspired to discover Jesus Christ and life in all its fullness, and become disciples.

LIFE Together: introductory speech at Diocesan Synod, November 2021

The LIFE Together vision

Text version:

We remain committed to our LIFE vision

  • Leadership: Committed to transformation
  • Imagination: Opening new paths to faith
  • Faith: Living as adventurous followers of Jesus Christ
  • Engagement: Living out Christ’s love and hope



Our five spotlight commitments

With the spotlight now shining on these five LIFE vision commitments:

  • Nurturing everyday disciples
  • Investing in people and programmes which excite young people to explore and grow in faith
  • Encouraging new and courageous ways of worshipping in different places which connect with more people
  • Being advocates for flourishing through initiatives which combat injustice, environmental destruction, exclusion and isolation
  • Developing diverse lay and ordained leaders

The LIFE Vision - visit link below for the text version


With the spotlight now shining on these five LIFE vision commitments:
Life vision commitments