Each school has its own admissions policy which must be updated each year and displayed on the school’s website. For voluntary controlled schools the local authority is the admissions body. Voluntary aided and academy schools are their own admissions authority. They must set, consult on and determine admissions arrangements. This must be done annually. All Church of England voluntary aided and foundation schools must submit their proposed admissions arrangements to the diocese for review before they go out for consultation.
All admissions arrangements are subject to the Department for Education’s School Admissions and School Admissions Appeals Codes, and all governors should be familiar with these documents.
DfE report stating that admission arrangements must be determined annually.
If you have any queries related to admissions, please contact David Williams who will be happy to assist you.
Gloucestershire County Council provide admission advice for governors within the County of Gloucestershire, this guidance can be accessed by clicking on this link.
South Gloucestershire Council provide admission advice for governors within the County of South Gloucestershire, this guidance can be accessed by clicking on this link
Please be aware that we are currently experiencing some website issues with downloading Word documents as of June 2023. Please contact us to request any documents you need on this email: ku.gr1725998520o.coi1725998520dsolg1725998520@noit1725998520acude1725998520 Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
All voluntary aided, foundation and academy schools are their own admissions authorities and must set, consult on and determine admissions arrangements. This is to be done annually.
School Admission policy template
Admission policies – Advice on review and 7 year consultation
Reviewing 2026~27 School Admission Policies – Consultation
School admission code
School admissions arrangements and regulations
School admission regulations related to infant class sizes
DBE guidance for schools using faith criteria
In year admissions
Examples of non-compliance in policies information
Guidance on summer born children
Advice for Clerks and appeals panels on school admission appeals D f E
Advice for admission authorities on school admission appeals D f E
Advice for parents and guardians on school admission appeals D f E
Changes to school admission appeals due to coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic D f E
If you have any further enquiries related the appeals please contact David Williams, Principal Advisor for Buildings, Admissions and Trust ku.gr1725998520o.coi1725998520dsolg1725998520@smai1725998520lliws1725998520d1725998520 01452 835537
Key areas identified leading to admission policies being non-compliant
Please find information relating to this here: Key areas of non-compliant admission policies
IAPLAC priority – information for admission authorities
The new 2021 admissions code which requires the following change to the category of looked after children.
The 2021 School Admissions Code (the Code) requires children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted, to be given equal first priority in admission arrangements, alongside looked after children (LAC) and children who were previously looked after by English local authorities (PLAC). This advice refers to these children as internationally adopted previously looked after children. Please click here for further advice: IAPLAC priority – information for admission authorities