Connect Ministry with Children, Youth and Family

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Our Vision

The Connect vision is for flourishing intergenerational worshipping communities, with disciples of all ages, able to contribute to and sustain the mission and ministry of the local parish into the future.

The Connect team’s primary objectives are to:

  • Be a catalyst for cultural change within the Diocese of Gloucester.
  • Put the child at the centre of our ministry
  • Inspire, equip, and resource leaders, be they lay or ordained, paid or volunteers.

What we do

Connect is a team of Children, Youth & Family Ministry specialists who:

Inspire → 

Helping churches, benefices and deaneries identify and deliver those parts of their Deanery Strategic Plans which involve Children’s, Youth & Family’s ministry.

There is no “one size fits all” approach to Children’s, Youth & Family’s ministry, so Connectors help churches discover which pathway(s) are appropriate for them in the context of both their parish church and community.

Equip → 

Connectors can spend significant time within a parish or group of parishes working with and alongside local leaders to equip them for the long-term. This includes helping to launch a new form of ministry and taking a lead on that for a defined period whilst local leaders learn by doing and build confidence and competence.

Resource → 

The Connect Team give ongoing support for all those involved in Children’s, Youth & Family’s ministry – providing 1-1 coaching and mentoring, facilitating Regional Connect Groups for leaders to come and share together, instigating, and leading local training and events.


Who we are

Barrie Voyce

Barrie Voyce

Senior Connector (Inspire & Develop)
Call us07359 068672
Email Barrie
Barrie leads the network of connectors to be inspirational and aspirational.
He also links into other colleagues in the Diocesan Team, and is involved with Children, Youth & Families Ministry across the Church of England through the national executive and the Growing Faith Foundation.
Barrie is also our ‘youth ministry’ expert.

Jo Wetherall

Senior Connector (Equip and Resource)
Call us07394059289
Email Jo
Jo leads the network of connectors to deliver exceptional training and resources.
She heads up the nurturing of faith across the home-school-parish relationship and works with Cuddeson College in the delivery of specialist training for Children, Youth & Family Ministry.
Jo is also our ‘children’s ministry’ expert.

Amy Todd

Amy Todd

North Connector
Email Amy
Amy works alongside churches in the North Cotswolds, Tewkesbury and Winchcombe to grow in confidence and competence in their ministry with children and youth.

Andy Macauly

Andy Macauly

Cheltenham Connector
Call us07359 068672
Email Andy
Andy supports churches across Cheltenham, providing training & support for those leading youth ministry.

Helen Champion

Helen Champion

Gloucester City Connector
Email Helen