A new national resource to help churches continue to offer services both online and onsite has been launched by the national Church of England. National resources for online and onsiteContinue reading
Month: May 2021
Cyclists launch new national Cathedrals cycle route
Cyclists from Gloucester Cathedral join launch of the Cathedrals Cycle Route Cyclists from Gloucester Cathedral will be taking part in a nationwide relay ride on a new cycle route linkingContinue reading
Churches Count on Nature week, 5-13th June
It is fabulous to see so many of our churches signed up to take part in Churches Count on Nature week. These are a selection of the Gloucestershire Churches involvedContinue reading
Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust turns 40
In 2021, Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust are celebrating their 40th birthday and the over £2m in grants they have given so far for renovations and improvements to local churches. ToContinue reading
Message from Bishop Robert
Over 8 million people in this country live in overcrowded, unaffordable and sub-standard accommodation, I cannot but recognise that this is both an affront to human dignity and a challenge to act …
The Coming Home Report: Responding to Growth
Key thinkers in the Coming Home Report and the Church’s housing strategy met online to discuss the implications of the report and engage in a public Q&A. The Rt RevdContinue reading
Eco Church festival with Churches Count on Nature
This online event on Saturday 12th June is hosted and organised by Sheffield Diocese but all are invited. It looks fab, do check it out if you are free. TheContinue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel
As we prayerfully live these days between Ascension and Pentecost, and tentatively move forward from this time of lockdown into whatever the next season holds, this letter comes with continued thanks for …
Prison Sentencing
Bishop Rachel, as a Lord Spiritual and in her role as Anglican Bishop for Prisons in England and Wales, hosted an online forum to discuss the Police, Crime, Sentencing andContinue reading
Giving thanks for our vaccines
A message and update from Christain Aid A huge thank you The Giving In Thanks for our Vaccines appeal has raised over £12,000 from communities within the Diocese of GloucesterContinue reading
A huge thank you
Has someone made a difference in your life through their generous actions during the Covid-19 pandemic?
Changes to guidance for places of worship
The national guidelines were updated on Monday 17 May, and will affect rules around worship, weddings and funerals
Christian Aid and VaccinAid appeals
There is now the possibility of funding vaccines directly via the VaccinAid campaign as well as funding humanitarian relief via the Christian Aid campaign.
Could you help someone follow God’s call?
We’re looking for people who could sponsor one of the young men and women in our link Diocese of Western Tanganyika in Tanzania to train at Bible College.
Message from Bishop Rachel
On Thursday we will celebrate Ascension Day – a day of ending but not quite of clear new beginning.
Ascension Day marks the end of the story of Christ’s life on earth, and then comes a period of waiting, of wondering, of prayer. Once again there is unexpected change and disconcerting uncertainty, but this time it is lived with expectation (Acts 1:1-14).
Bedtime church brings families flocking
Amy Todd, Children and Youth Worker for Vale and Cotswold Edge tells about how they have stayed connected with local families throughout the pandemic. When lockdown hit, Amy Todd, ChildrenContinue reading
Getting creative with the Christian Arts Festival
Creative arts for everyone, inspiring communities for the glory of God. Entertain. Celebrate. Challenge. Engage. The Cheltenham Christian Arts Festival is putting on a series of free, online, creativeContinue reading
The Coming Home Report: Responding to Growth
You are invited to meet with some of the key thinkers in the Coming Home Report and the Church’s housing strategy to explain the implications of the report and answerContinue reading
Gaining experience in different worshipping communities
Preparing for its second year, the Gloucester Ministry Experience Scheme gives young adults the opportunity to live and work amongst different worshipping communities in the Gloucester area. Members of theContinue reading
Allotments, gardening and community composting
If you’re interested in community gardening and how you and your church can care for your local green or wild places, why not join the Gloucestershire Churches Environmental Justice NetworkContinue reading
Message from Bishop Robert
Next week, many of the communities of our Diocese will be taking part in fundraising for Christian Aid. This year’s campaign which runs alongside the vaccine thankfulness appeal and theContinue reading