
Faithful Generations ‘What can a Grandparent do?’ Workshop
Quiet Days for anyone in Ministry

Quiet Days for anyone in Ministry

Brownshill Monastry Brownshill Road, Stroud, United Kingdom

A gentle day of prayer and reflection. Time for silence, space to walk and reflect in the presence of others who share our calling. In the beautiful countryside of Stroud,Continue reading

Cheltenham Youth Ministry Connect

Cheltenham Youth Ministry Connect

School House Cafe

For Christian faith inspired youth workers and key volunteers in Cheltenham and the surrounding area. Cheltenham Youth Connect is an opportunity to meet regularly to chat, share ideas, pray andContinue reading

Meet the School Trusts

Meet the School Trusts

Parliament Room, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LY

For headteachers, chairs of governors, senior leaders An opportunity to meet individuals from within the family of School Trusts who work with our schools, make connections and find out aboutContinue reading

MHFA Catch Up

MHFA Catch Up

Church House College Green, Gloucester

A Catch Up Session for those who have already completed Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training with us. This will be a hybrid meeting and can be attended either inContinue reading

Parish Trainers Catch Up

Parish Trainers Catch Up

Church House College Green, Gloucester

A Catch up Session for Parish Trainers. This will be a hybrid event and can be attended in person here in Church House or by Zoom. To book a place, pleaseContinue reading

“The Whole Easter Story”: Why the cross is good news for all creation
Snowdrop-in weekend at St John the Baptist, Edge

Snowdrop-in weekend at St John the Baptist, Edge

St John the Baptist Edge, Stroud, Gloucestershire

Come and join Edge Church for refreshments and to see displays of local history and nature. There will be a book and craft stall, and tea, coffee and cakes willContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Theology Munch: online

Theology Munch: online


Join us on the third Wednesday of every month at 1pm for an hour max, when the 'Theology Munch' group will be meeting. They are looking at Paradoxology, by Krish KandiahContinue reading

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Open the Gospel Learning Community

Online event

Do you sometimes read the Gospel for this coming Sunday and wonder what new perspective you might find? Would you value space to wrestle with the text with other, faithfulContinue reading

Deanery Safeguarding Support Forum

Deanery Safeguarding Support Forum

cheltenham Holy Apostles London Rd, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

A Deanery Support Forum for Parish Safeguarding Officers and clergy across the Diocese to connect in with the Safeguarding Team. This is an opportunity to find out about any updatesContinue reading

North Cotswold Deanery surgery: care of churches and church buildings
Grant Writing Workshop

Grant Writing Workshop

St Mary's Church, Charlton Kings Horsefair Street, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

There are many Trusts across the UK who are seeking to make grants to churches and worshipping communities but many churches are unsure how to access these and how toContinue reading

Collective Worship, Spirituality & SIAMS

Collective Worship, Spirituality & SIAMS

Holiday Inn Gloucester-Cheltenham Crest Way, Barnwood, Gloucester, United Kingdom

For all Collective worship and spirituality can have a huge impact on shaping both the character of your school and the character of individual pupils and adults. To help ensureContinue reading

Into Incumbency: Supervision Skills

Into Incumbency: Supervision Skills

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

Supervision is the art of helping someone develop in their ministry or role. At its heart it is offering someone thinking space so they can think through what they areContinue reading

Into Incumbency: Legal Matters

Into Incumbency: Legal Matters

The Jerusalem Room, No 4 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR No 4 College Green, Gloucester, United Kingdom

This session covers some of the main areas where legal issues impact on day to day ministry.  This includes: Marriage - banns, qualifying connections, common and special licenses and marriageContinue reading

Responding Well to Domestic Abuse Training

Responding Well to Domestic Abuse Training

Cheltenham Network Church c/o Emmanuel Church 57 Emmanuel Church Footpath, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

There is a requirement that the Responding Well to Domestic Abuse Training course is completed by all clergy, PTO, Readers, Bishop and Pastoral visitors, Parish Safeguarding Officers, PCC and lay chapter members.Continue reading

Chaplaincy in a multi-faith context

Chaplaincy in a multi-faith context

University Chapel, Francis Close Hall Cheltenham GL50 4AZ

The next meeting of the diocesan Chaplaincy Network will focus on the opportunities and challenges which come from working alongside other faiths. All involved in chaplaincy in any way areContinue reading

Pray for Schools – Forest of Dean

Pray for Schools – Forest of Dean

Dean Close St John's School Tutshill, United Kingdom

Mobilising Christians to support their school communities through prayer. Includes guest speakers, a time of prayer and networking for Christians, teachers, school staff, those involved with schools work and whoContinue reading

PSO Induction Training

PSO Induction Training

cheltenham Holy Apostles London Rd, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

This module is for all new parish safeguarding officers, existing parish safeguarding officers are also welcome. The aim of the course which is delivered either online or face to faceContinue reading

Modern slavery and exploitation in the care sector on Zoom
Children & Youth Summer Camps – Connecting Together

Fundraising Workshop

Fundraising Workshop

Parish Hall Watermoor Trinity Road, Cirencester

This workshop will look at all the different ways that parishes can and do generate income. Bring your ideas and be inspired by what others have done to raise money for all differentContinue reading

"I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full." ~ John 10:10