Eco Church festival with Churches Count on Nature

Published: Thursday May 20, 2021

This online event on Saturday 12th June is hosted and organised by Sheffield Diocese but all are invited.

It looks fab, do check it out if you are free.

The festival celebrates God’s creation and is linked with ‘Churches Count on Nature’ week run by Caring for God’s Acre. It will also provide space to pray and reflect on the climate and nature crises in the lead up to COP26. Interactive workshops and sessions will be of interest to all who wish to actively care for God’s creation, including sessions for all ages. For places of worship and church communities, there will be advice and support to make practical progress, including at every stage of their Eco Church journey. The festival links hopes to  further encourage us in our Pilgrimage to Net Zero and Going Beyond Bronze.

Details and registration for this eco-church festival are here.  

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