Domestic Abuse Workshops 2018

Published: Thursday February 8, 2018

Would you know the signs of Domestic Abuse?

Domestic Abuse—it’s a matter of life and death

  • On average two women are killed by their partner or ex-partner every week in England and Wales.
  • 13 million women and 716,000 men experienced some form of domestic abuse in the last year.
  • On average the police receive over 100 calls relating to domestic abuse every day

The Diocese of Gloucester, in partnership with Restored are running Domestic Abuse workshops as part of the 16 Days of Action Against Gender Based Violence.

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To book onto a workshop please email ku.gr1739463659o.coi1739463659dsolg1739463659@gnin1739463659iartg1739463659nidra1739463659ugefa1739463659s1739463659




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