From Becca Faal, Diocesan Strategic Lead for safeguarding training and learning Essential information Please review your training needs and those of your worshipping community – details of trainings are givenContinue reading
Tag: HR and Safeguarding
Mandatory Safeguarding Review for parishes: PCR 2
In 2007, the Church of England commissioned a national Past Case Review (PCR) which sought to look at the handling by the Church of child protection cases over many years. Continue reading
Diocese of Gloucester Parish Safeguarding Checklist
A message for all Safeguarding Nominated People and Incumbents: (originally sent July 2018) Note: This 2018 checklist has been superseded by the Parish Dashboards – please contact the SafeguardingContinue reading
Domestic Abuse Workshops 2018
Would you know the signs of Domestic Abuse? Domestic Abuse—it’s a matter of life and death On average two women are killed by their partner or ex-partner every week inContinue reading
New Canons at Gloucester Cathedral
Three new Canons of Gloucester Cathedral were installed on Sunday 26 March and two will be installed on Sunday 9 April, at Evensong. They will all hold their new roles inContinue reading
Churches urged to respond well to domestic abuse
Church communities are being urged to address the issue of domestic abuse and raise awareness of its impact on adults and children
On Keeping Penguins
I have no knowledge of penguins, let alone keeping one, and I’m never really quite sure which ‘arctic’ they come from. For me they had always been the stuff ofContinue reading