A survivor of domestic abuse working for GDASS (Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service) is rolling out community training in identifying domestic abuse to rural communities in Gloucestershire, in an initiativeContinue reading
Tag: Domestic Abuse
Raising awareness of domestic abuse
There is a requirement that the Raising awareness of domestic abuse course is completed by all clergy, PTO, Readers, Bishop and Pastoral visitors, Parish Safeguarding Officers, PCC and lay chapter members. ItContinue reading
Raising awareness of domestic abuse
There is a requirement that the Raising awareness of domestic abuse course is completed by all clergy, PTO, Readers, Bishop and Pastoral visitors, Parish Safeguarding Officers, PCC and lay chapter members. ItContinue reading
Mothers’ Union on 16 days of activism against gender-based violence
The Mothers’ Union is taking part in the 16 days against gender-based violence with its ‘No More 1 in 3’ campaign against domestic abuse and gender-based violence. The organisation hasContinue reading
Stand up to domestic abuse: Message from Bishop Rachel
A survey to understand the culture, behaviours, knowledge, and skills in the Church in terms of recognising and responding to domestic abuse
Bishop Rachel responds to new measures to tackle domestic abuse
Domestic abusers will face tags and tougher management under new measures to protect people from harassment, aggression and violence, and focus on stopping domestic abuse before it takes place. ForContinue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel, 29 November 2022
We live in a world in which we are acutely aware that ‘nation lifts up sword against nation’ and there is mess and pain and injustice. Whether it’s the narrative around immigration, or a fuel crisis, or the damage inflicted on our planet, or indeed the price of eggs, there is talk of justice in the public square.
Thankfully, in our vision of LIFE Together we have committed to be ‘advocates for flourishing through initiatives which combat injustice…’ yet I am under no illusion that acting with justice is easy or straightforward, and of course mercy and love must also be brought to the table.
Join Mothers Union for a minute’s silence to combat violence
The Mothers’ Union is asking people across the world to join them in a one minute silence on Saturday 26 November at 1.03 pm. The time has been chosen toContinue reading
Bishop Rachel: Domestic abuse must not be a taboo subject
Bishop Rachel has added her voice to the long-established 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign which begins each year on International Day Against Violence Against Women (November 25).
Surviving domestic abuse: Sarah’s story
“Even now, many years later, I still ask myself, ‘was it really abuse?’ I always hoped he’d hit me because then I’d definitely know it was abuse. Sarah*, a memberContinue reading
Mothers’ Union and Women’s Aid join forces to End Domestic Abuse
On 11 October, the International Day of the Girl Child, Mothers’ Union joins with Women’s Aid to support their Come Together to End Domestic Abuse campaign so that no girlContinue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel, 19 July 2022
As the academic year draws to a close, I have been reflecting on some of my visits and events this term. Some of those have been wonderful visits to primaryContinue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel, 23 November 2021
Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness and to put on the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in whichContinue reading
Bishop Rachel asks a question in the House of Lords
This Monday, Bishop Rachel asked “My Lords, during the passage of the Domestic Abuse Bill, now Act, your Lordships’ discussed how best to protect migrant victims of abuse. Would theContinue reading
Government’s final responses on Domestic Abuse Bill Amendment
In a final series of statements on the imminent Domestic Abuse Bill, the Government has responded to Bishop Rachel’s proposed Amendment regarding support for migrant victims of domestic abuse. SpeakingContinue reading
Bishop Rachel introduces a revised amendment to the Domestic Abuse Bill
Bishop Rachel challenges the Government’s suggested Domestic Abuse pilot project, as she introduces a revised amendment
Church reaches out to Women’s Refuge
The Churn Valley Benefice (CVB) has been supporting the Stroud Women’s Refuge over lockdown by sponsoring bags of laundry and household cleaning items or single bed linen for families. TheContinue reading
Government is failing vulnerable victims of domestic abuse
Bishop Rachel’s article as featured in The Times, Redbox, on Monday 15 March 2021 “One of the strange things about this viral pandemic is that we are reacting and respondingContinue reading
Bishop Rachel successfully moves amendment 70 in Domestic Abuse Bill
“I’m grateful for the support for this Amendment, which aims to provide migrant victims of abuse with temporary leave to remain, and access to public funds …
Bishop Rachel speaks on the Domestic Abuse Bill in the House of Lords
Addressing the House of Lords remotely, Bishop Rachel speaks to amendments to the Domestic Abuse bill ~ about women being abused, and acting in self defence. Speaking in her roleContinue reading
Domestic Abuse Bill ~ Bishop Rachel’s speech to the House of Lords
Bishop Rachel has spoken in the House of Lords on the Domestic Abuse Bill, celebrating the good work to date, yet also pushing for some important amendments. Watch here: FullContinue reading
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness
If you are experiencing domestic and sexual abuse during lockdown, the rules allow you to leave your home for safety reasons. These services are all offering support to people inContinue reading
Support the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
How you can support the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence In support of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, which runs from 25 November to 10Continue reading
The Domestic Abuse Bill; What do we welcome and where does the bill need to do more?
Bishop Rachel in conversation with Nicole Jacobs, the Designate Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales …