The Diocese of Gloucester is just about to begin a pilot for its pioneering project, the 10:10 Circle – an interactive programme aimed at helping members to explore their ideasContinue reading
Tag: legal
Blue plaque reveals more about Christian leader George Whitefield
A blue plaque commemorating the life of influential evangelist George Whitefield, has been updated to give a more rounded account of his life story. The sign that sits on theContinue reading
Plunkett Foundation: grants and adviser support extended to end of 2023
Plunkett is extending a free business support and grants programme, to help community groups and places of worship explore co-location. Thanks to generous funding from Benefact Trust, Plunkett has beenContinue reading
TIC+ reveals online impact dashboard
TIC+, the Gloucestershire-based mental health support charity for children and young people has unveiled an online impact dashboard, allowing people to see the impact of the charity’s work. The dashboardContinue reading
Responsibilities of Churchwardens
The Archdeacons recently held a Seminar for Churchwardens, which was arranged with our Registrar and Deputy Registrar to give Churchwardens an update on some of the legal aspects of theContinue reading
Community Businesses in Places of Worship Programme – Funding Opportunity
The Plunkett Foundation, working alongside Allchurches Trust, is providing specialist advice and funds to encourage churches to work closely with community groups wanting to set up community businesses in placesContinue reading
National Register of Clergy
The Church of England’s 20,000 active clergy – those who hold a licence or Permission to Officiate (PTO) – are being asked to confirm the information that both the NationalContinue reading
Updated guidance re church buildings, individual private prayer and funerals
To: all clergy and churchwardens in vacancy Please note that all documents referred to in this message can be found in the documents section of the national Church of England’s coronavirusContinue reading
Heading up Gloucestershire Credit Union
We caught up with retired banker Geoff Shaw who is a lifelong Christian and Chairman of the Board at Gloucestershire Credit Union. “I first got involved with Stroud Valleys CreditContinue reading
The clock has started to tick; two years until the UK leaves the EU. Or will it just be England and Wales? The chances are, that whether hard or softContinue reading
Marriage and Same Sex Relationships after the Shared Conversations
A Report from the House of Bishops This morning, a report from the House of Bishops has been made available ahead of the Church’s General Synod in February. The reportContinue reading
War, what is it good for?
The images of Aleppo are almost too painful to look at. How did Syria’s largest and once most prosperous city, a UNESCO world heritage site, end up like a versionContinue reading
Views sought on proposed Quedgeley Academy
A consultation to get local views on a proposed new free primary school in Quedgeley is open for comment until 17 February. Clearwater Church of England Primary Academy is scheduledContinue reading
Values for a post-referendum society
As I look at the many churches across our Diocese I am struck as to how much change they have witnessed through, in most cases, many centuries. They have seenContinue reading
Choose life – as long as it’s boy
Given the chance, would you choose the sex of your child? We all know – or at least think we know – what we want, whether it’s a bonnie babyContinue reading