10:10 Circle pilot begins: helping churches bring outreach projects to life

Published: Tuesday February 6, 2024

The Diocese of Gloucester is just about to begin a pilot for its pioneering project, the 10:10 Circle – an interactive programme aimed at helping members to explore their ideas and test concepts for achieving lasting outreach in their worshipping communities.

The Revd Tim Hastie-Smith, Diocesan Missioner, explains more about this exciting programme.

Tim says, “The 10:10 Circle is inspired by our LIFE Vision – how we as a diocese are putting everything we do through our vision of Leadership, Faith, Imagination and Engagement.

“It’s stating, let’s be bold and let’s do things creatively, and let’s not be afraid to do it. The 10:10 Circle is about getting people together who are saying – ‘We think we’ve got sort of an idea but are not sure what it might look like. And we’re not sure if we’re allowed to do it, or if we aught to” – and helping them realise that idea into something tangible. Let’s try this and see if this works, and if it doesn’t then it doesn’t matter. But if we don’t try it, we’ll never know.

“We’re often tempted to play safe because we’re afraid of getting things wrong or being considered a failure. But this isn’t about numbers, it’s about seeking to make the Kingdom of God known, to do ‘church’ in totally new, creative ways. We need to be confident that from the work we do now, the outcome might not be seen for 10, 20 years and that’s okay – it’s about thinking and working for the long-term, even if it outlives our part in it.”

What’s involved?

The 10:10 Circle is a pilot project that brings applicants together though five half-day discussion sessions, led by Will Mansell (the Grace Network) and the Revd Canon Dr Sandra Millar, Director of Mission and Ministry. The first members will be meeting later this month.

Tim says, “It’s all about being curious about our ideas and feeling we have ‘permission’ to explore them. By being in a group, members can listen to others, find out what someone else is doing and how that might work, and become excited about trying things out and taking risks.”

It is anticipated that by the end of the 10:10 Circle process, members would have:

  • attended five facilitated discussion sessions
  • kept a reflective learning journal
  • developed networks and relationships which will continue beyond these workshops and
  • developed a vision and plan for a project, partnership or scheme which aims to grow, stimulate and share the LIFE Together vision.

Members may also find they have developed some new skills in the process.

“All are welcome. It’s not about us judging anyone else, it’s someone just saying, I just want to put the idea out there and just see what happens.

“While funding is there, it’s not the primary purpose of 10:10 Circle, which is to help us have those big ‘why?’ conversations as well as look at the very practical detailed work. You might have an idea you want to explore, or something you want to try and take a risk on. You might not be quite sure what it looks like or what it is at this stage, but that’s okay. We’re here to help and would love to hear from you.”

Applications are set to re-open later this year, following a review of the pilot, but if you have something in mind you would like to discuss, please contact Kathryn Warner on ku.gr1739463274o.coi1739463274dsolg1739463274@renr1739463274awk1739463274

To find out more about how to apply to the 10:10 Circle, visit Diocesan grants – Diocese of Gloucester (anglican.org)


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