Tag: Life Together

Message from Bishop Rachel, 27 February 2024

Throughout the gospels we are repeatedly confronted with Jesus Christ’s encounters with individuals and with groups of people. Often, we get a glimpse of an individual’s story and the way they view life from the context in which they are embedded, and we see Jesus engage with who they are. Our reactions probably range from disturbance through to curiosity and delight.

Message from Bishop Rachel, 27 February 2024
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Message from Bishop Rachel, 12 September 2023

Increasingly in my ministry, not least in my ministry with prisons and criminal justice, I reflect on the reality that all the brokenness in our world is rooted in broken relationship: Relationship with God, with neighbour and with self, and of course with the earth and the whole of creation. This is echoed in our failure to keep those commandments, underlined by Jesus Christ, to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength’ and to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’.

Message from Bishop Rachel, 12 September 2023
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Message from Bishop Rachel, 6 June 2023

We do a lot of counting in the Church, often related to numbers of people or leaders or amounts of money – and much of that can help us identify the places where we are healthy as Church and where we are not. In the shaping of our current strategies and plans, not least within each deanery, there is a need for some counting and measuring, yet always being aware that noticing and nurturing growth and health involves so much more than counting.

Message from Bishop Rachel, 6 June 2023
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Message from Bishop Rachel, 29 November 2022

We live in a world in which we are acutely aware that ‘nation lifts up sword against nation’ and there is mess and pain and injustice. Whether it’s the narrative around immigration, or a fuel crisis, or the damage inflicted on our planet, or indeed the price of eggs, there is talk of justice in the public square.

Thankfully, in our vision of LIFE Together we have committed to be ‘advocates for flourishing through initiatives which combat injustice…’ yet I am under no illusion that acting with justice is easy or straightforward, and of course mercy and love must also be brought to the table.

Message from Bishop Rachel, 29 November 2022
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Message from Bishop Rachel, 1 November 2022

Today is All Saints Day – perhaps a welcome focus amid news and social media full of judgmental comment and disdainful appraisal of individuals whose names are in the public domain. However, All Saints Day is not primarily a day for moving from criticism to celebration of special people from the past whose stories are in print or whose images appear in stained-glass windows. Neither is it a day for simply extolling the virtues of the few who we perceive to be particularly significant. Rather, it is a day for celebrating the grace and love of God who in Christ has drawn us into a community of saints who belong to God and to one another. Those on earth and those who have gone before us.

Message from Bishop Rachel, 1 November 2022
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Message from Bishop Rachel, 11 October 2022

As well as the privilege of being Bishop of Gloucester, I also have the additional privilege of being Anglican Bishop for His Majesty’s Prisons in England and Wales, and last Sunday was Prisons Sunday at the start of Prisons Week. The theme this year is Thankfulness, and it was good to explore that during the Eucharist at HMP Ashfield in the Diocese of Bristol.

Message from Bishop Rachel, 11 October 2022
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