For over 7 years, the Revd Canon Dr Sandra Millar, Director of Mission and Ministry, has been working behind the scenes as an informal advisor for one of Britain’s mostContinue reading
Tag: Sandra Millar
Stranger to friend: Resources for a welcoming church
Advent and Christmas are on the way and most of our worshipping communities will be welcoming people who may not often come to church. Some of these people may beContinue reading
‘Godparents last a lifetime’: A blog by the Revd Canon Dr Sandra Millar
The Revd Canon Dr Sandra Millar, Director of Mission and Ministry, blogs about what it means to be a godparent. “I remember being at a birthday party for a 90-year-old.Continue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel, 27 February 2024
Throughout the gospels we are repeatedly confronted with Jesus Christ’s encounters with individuals and with groups of people. Often, we get a glimpse of an individual’s story and the way they view life from the context in which they are embedded, and we see Jesus engage with who they are. Our reactions probably range from disturbance through to curiosity and delight.
10:10 Circle pilot begins: helping churches bring outreach projects to life
The Diocese of Gloucester is just about to begin a pilot for its pioneering project, the 10:10 Circle – an interactive programme aimed at helping members to explore their ideasContinue reading
The Big Mission Weekend with the Archbishop of Canterbury: 24 to 26 May 2024
We are delighted to announce that the Archbishop of Canterbury will be with us in this diocese for the weekend of Friday 24 May to Sunday 26 May 2024. This is part of his programme of evangelistic weekends in different dioceses.
Message from the Revd Canon Dr Sandra Millar, 24 October 2023
A colleague was telling me recently how she had spent a whole day convinced that it was Tuesday, only to be assured in the late evening that it really was Thursday after all. How often we use phrases like ‘the last week has gone so quickly’ or ‘it feels like years since the holiday’? Time, and how we measure it, is strange. But time and how we feel it can be even stranger.
Message from Bishop Rachel, 17 January 2023
Yesterday, I had the privilege of being present at the official opening of The Nelson Trust’s Women’s Centre in Wales. Similar to the Women’s Centre in Gloucester, this provides transforming support for women who have been involved with the criminal justice system. Staff and volunteers work with women in a holistic way, listening to each person’s story and valuing them as a unique individual as they engage with the whole person, including the building and re-shaping of healthy relationships, often including a woman’s children.
How Village Churches Thrive – a practical guide
The General Synod, on 8 July, saw the official launch of a new book, How Village Churches Thrive, aimed at encouraging and increasing the confidence of all those who work or worship in a village church.
OneDiocese blog: God drew me back to Godself
Canon Sandra Millar, Interim Director Mission and Ministry for the Diocese of Gloucester blogs on her life and her faith journey in our #OneDiocese blog
Interim Director of the Department of Mission and Ministry
A message from Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert We are delighted to be able to share with you the news that The Revd Dr Canon Sandra Millar has accepted theContinue reading
Stepping into the unknown
By the Revd Dr Sandra Millar, Head of Life Events for the Church of England Last week I was being royally treated by a diocese somewhere in England. Due toContinue reading
Church of England celebrates role of Godparents
At least six million people have been asked to become a Godparent at a Church of England christening since the millennium, according to a new analysis released in advance ofContinue reading