From Becca Faal, Diocesan Strategic Lead for safeguarding training and learning
Essential information
Please review your training needs and those of your worshipping community – details of trainings are given below, along with ideas about adaptations. Becca is here to help you make sense of what’s required and can support you if you need help.
Spotlight on domestic abuse
Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS)
A county-wide service designed to reduce the level of domestic abuse and improve the safety of victims and their families. They operate in all districts offering a variety of support programmes for women and men over 16 years old who are experiencing domestic abuse. Find out more –>
National 16 days of action against violence against women and girls 2022
This year we are going to be holding two training events in the 16 days of action.
On the 30 November, 10 am to 12:30 pm, there is a workshop about stalking. We will also hold a training session looking at the local picture of domestic abuse and support available.
Stalking and harassment are when someone repeatedly behaves in a way that makes you feel scared, distressed or threatened.
There are different types of stalking and harassment and anyone can be a victim. In this session which is led by the Domestic Abuse Lead for the County, we will learn more about stalking, its links with domestic abuse, how statutory agencies and the Diocese work together on this and how we can support those who are experiencing it.
If you are taking part in the 16 days of action in your worshipping community please do get in touch on Âku.1739204307gro.c1739204307oidso1739204307lg@la1739204307afacc1739204307eb1739204307to let us know.
The safeguarding learning and development framework 2021Â sets out what training is required, and for whom, in the Church of England.
We have two new e-learning modules “Raising awareness of Domestic abuse” and Safer recruitment and people management”.Â
There is a requirement that the “Raising awareness of Domestic abuse” is completed by all clergy, PTO, Readers, Bishop and Pastoral visitors, Parish Safeguarding Officers, PCC and lay chapter members. It is estimated that domestic abuse affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 7 men. Therefore we will all know people who are victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse.
For the “Safer recruitment and people management” it is required that anyone involved in the recruitment of church officers completes this module. This includes all those with responsibility for administering DBS checks and Parish Safeguarding Officers.
You can access the e-learning here, recognising that not everyone will wish to complete modules online we are also offering some face to face sessions. Some parishes have shared the e-learning on a screen and invited a group to come and learn together. This might be a good way to ensure that people feel safe and supported when accessing the training, particularly the domestic abuse module. The person organising the group is not a trainer but facilitating people to access the training.
Parishes should let the safeguarding training team know if you are completing the e-learning as a small group. Please share any questions that arise with Becca. The team will issue certificates.
Please work with your PCC to make a plan of who needs to complete which training course. We appreciate that this may take a few months to get everyone trained and that you will also need to consider changes of volunteers over the APCM.
Video: The Parish Safeguarding Dashboard
Save time when organising safeguarding in your parish.
Click here to read more about the dashboard
Safeguarding Sunday, 22 November 2022:
Register here for free resourcesÂ
Take this to your PCC: Safer Recruitment
Events near you:
click here to see the full list
Direct support for training
We really appreciate all your commitment and what you are doing, and we appreciate that this can feel rather a lot to take in, plan for, and then keep track of.  Please do get in touch with me if you have any questions or would like any support to access or embed the training. I am available on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, by phone and email, at ku.gr1739204307o.coi1739204307dsolg1739204307@laaf1739204307acceb1739204307 or 07401 197280. If you have an area of safeguarding that you would like us to focus on or something to share via the newsletter, do let us know.
How to get in touch with the safeguarding team
Please do check out our website pages. We will do our best to keep the information as up to date as possible, but just as a reminder of who we are and how to contact us:
- For any questions relating to training please contact Becca Faal, 07401 197280
- To book onto any safeguarding event please contact Laura Evans, 01452 835531
- For any questions relating to DBS please contact Kate Peake
- For any safeguarding concerns or casework enquiries please contact Brett Riches and Mel Biscoe 01452 835516
- For any HR related safer recruitment questions that may relate to parish employment or volunteer management issues, please contact Judith Knight 01452 410022.