In 2007, the Church of England commissioned a national Past Case Review (PCR) which sought to look at the handling by the Church of child protection cases over many years. This entailed an independent scrutiny of the files of clergy and church officers* to identify any persons presenting on-going risks to children and young people (a child or young person is anyone under the age of 18) which had not been acted on appropriately.
In 2016 the Diocese of Gloucester undertook another review of all our clergy and church officer files, which included the Cathedral.
The House of Bishops wants to ensure that all our worshipping communities and church -related activities are as safe as possible for children and vulnerable adults. All Dioceses have now been asked to undertake a further review process and the terms of this new national review is known as the PCR 2.
The Safeguarding Team is leading the PCR2 process in our diocese and more information about what it is and what is the requirement of our worshipping communities can be found here:
Visit our main Safeguarding PCR2 page
See also: FAQ from the Church of England
Reporting abuse and finding support
NSPCC helpline for Children and Adults: 0800 80 20 20
This is a special helpline that has been set up for the Past Case review 2 for those who have been affected either directly or indirectly by abuse in a church or cathedral setting. Calls will be handled sensitively and confidentially.
We understand reporting abuse may be very difficult and distressing to you and it may add to your hurt by our not being able to immediately assist you. Therefore here are the contact details of other agencies that are available to assist either on a 24-hour basis or through specialist helplines and services. Finding support contacts
The Safeguarding Team is available at all times to help support you and provide advice and guidance. Contact detail scan be found by here.
*Church officers definition – All clergy, including those with PTO and clergy such as hospital, school and prison chaplains who hold the Bishop’s licence, Readers, licensed lay workers, volunteers and diocesan and parish lay employees and volunteers whose role includes (or has included) direct involvement with children and vulnerable adults.
This is a wide definition , however the judgement to be made is whether the role has in the past, does currently, or is likely in the future, to provide opportunities for the abuse or neglect of children or vulnerable adults whilst engaged in church organised activities and whether the role involves a relationship of trust.