Just starting out or feeling your way with Children and Families ministry? Meeting Point is a new online group meeting once a month for an hour, bringing together people whoContinue reading
Tag: Ministry
Children and Families: Meeting Point Online Support Group
Just starting out or feeling your way with Children and Families ministry? Meeting Point is a new online group meeting once a month for an hour, bringing together people whoContinue reading
Thy Kingdom Come 2024
Let us pray! The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have invited parishes across England to join a great wave of prayer between Ascension and Pentecost
Cheltenham Youth Connect Meeting April 2024
Support – Resource – Prayer For Christian faith inspired youth workers and key volunteers in Cheltenham and the surrounding area. Events are free. Please let Andy know if you areContinue reading
FireWatch Pentecost youth event 2024
FireWatch “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit” FireWatch is a safe space to worship and encounter God. There will be an “order of service” to follow, withContinue reading
Anna Chaplaincy – bringing God’s love to people in later life
12 people have been commissioned as ‘Anna Chaplains’ at a special service at Holy Apostles’ Church, Cheltenham, specialising in spiritual support for older people. The men and women have completedContinue reading
Youth Worship Nights February-March
There are several youth worship nights that are open to any young people who would like to come along. Please see our upcoming events below: Youth Worship Night- Trinity CheltenhamContinue reading
Live Launch: The Thrive Collection
Are you part of a multi-parish benefice, and looking for ways to thrive? Are you aware of the enormous potential within MPBs, and yet the distinct challenges they face? AreContinue reading
Wholeness: Being Well Day
St Mary’s, Wotton Under Edge We all carry places of pain and hurting spaces within us, it is part of inhabiting a human body and living in human relationships. TheContinue reading
Clare Dyson remembered
The Revd Richard Coombs, Rector of Cheltenham, fondly remembers the life and ministry of a much-valued colleague and friend, the Revd Clare Dyson, who died on 9 July. “The RevdContinue reading
Vocation to Ministry Day
An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading
Vocation to Ministry Day
An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading
Motherhood and Ministry Seminar, Online
Motherhood and Ministry: Exploring balance, expectations and possibilities An online gathering of women, led by women, to support women – and particularly those who would like to explore motherhood andContinue reading
Ministry Open Day
We believe The Diocese of Gloucester is a great place to minister and would love to invite clergy from other dioceses to an open day to see all we haveContinue reading
Safeguarding training now available in Persian
Persian language Basic Awareness Safeguarding training is now available from the Diocese of Gloucester’s safeguarding trainers network. A growing number of people waiting for their asylum claim to be processedContinue reading
Vocation to Ministry Day
An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading
Intergenerational worshipping communities
We are always keen to hear of exciting and innovative ways that churches are encouraging intergenerational church – engaging with everyone regardless of age or ability, Sam Williams, Youth Minister,Continue reading
One Diocese blog: “Not just death and religion”
The Revd John Thompson, Lead Chaplain in the Department of Spiritual Care for Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust shares his views on his calling and his ministry in our #OneDiocese blog.Continue reading
A warm welcome in the heart of Matson
Introducing Emma Wilson, chef and manager of The Long Table in Matson, a new branch of the hugely successful Brimscombe Long Table.
Church, school and community host Christmas tea
Christchurch, Forest of Dean hosted an ‘Over 75’s Christmas Tea’, funded by the community. The food was provided by a local business. Local schools entertained the people who came along,Continue reading
Advent calendars for care homes
Gill Ford, the Anna coordinator for CaBiC, an interdenominational charity, which has been set up to support and coordinate ministry to older people in the local area, has been busyContinue reading
Add your voice to the national Climate Sunday livestream
This year, in the run-up to COP26, a special Climate Sunday service is being broadcast from Glasgow Cathedral on 4 September. You can register your interest in the Glasgow ClimateContinue reading
The Welcome Directory – register as a faith community willing to support people leaving prison
A message from Bishop Rachel Being a place of welcome and support for people released from prison: As Anglican Bishop for Prisons and a patron of The Welcome Directory IContinue reading
We hear from Ministry experience scheme 2020
Getting challenged, deepening and growing, getting closer to God and learning to live in community, we har from participants of the 2020/2021 Ministry experience scheme. Watch: Contact Sandie Reeves, SchemeContinue reading