A message from Bishop Rachel- Safeguarding in the media

Published: Wednesday January 29, 2025

On Tuesday evening 28 January, I watched the Channel 4 news with shock and dismay as yet another Church of England situation was under the spotlight in relation to abuse. I have not been at the gathering of the College of Bishops this week and am always aware that there will be facts and details missing from any news item, but yet again we do not seem to have put those with lived experience of abuse at the forefront of our response. Like other people I have a number of questions, but this once again highlights why we need independence deeply embedded in our safeguarding culture and I am grateful to all those who have been working on this as the matter comes to General Synod for decision in a matter of days.

Once again, my thoughts and prayers are with all those with lived experience of abuse, and for all those for whom this news exacerbates their trauma and pain. I recognise that yet again yesterday’s news may feel demoralising and undermining of all that is life-giving across all the many local contexts of this diocese, as we seek to share the love and hope of Christ. Thank you once again to our superb diocesan safeguarding team and all those who continue to work tirelessly to build a healthy and safe culture within our churches, schools and community initiatives. I am glad that our annual safeguarding report and focus is coming to Diocesan Synod this Saturday 1st February.

Please know that in this diocese our safeguarding team are here to listen and offer support alongside myself and Bishop Robert.

If you have any safeguarding concerns please do contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team  using these details:
01452 835516 (Mon-Fri, 9-5)
07944 680320 (Out of hours, Mon-Fri)*

If someone is in immediate danger or risk of significant harm, please remove yourself from any danger, then immediately contact the emergency services by calling 999.

Out of hours: Phone cover for advice/guidance over weekends and bank holidays is provided by the thirtyone:eight safeguarding helpline. They can be contacted on 0303 003 1111.

One thought on “A message from Bishop Rachel- Safeguarding in the media

  1. Thank you Bishop Rachel for your calm and wise reflection. It is so important to hold at the centre those who have experienced harm and abuse, to ensure that those who have caused harm , either directly or by failing to respond effectively to concerns and allegations are held to account and that the church as a whole learns from each situation to refine our response and reaction to any new risk or concern. The reality us that within the church as within any aspect of life any one of us might find ourselves as a victim of harm or as the perpetrator of harm so the work of safeguarding teams and services is vital to reducing risks in the future . Thank you once again for taking such a measured and consistent perspective

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