Every year the Season of Creation runs from the Orthodox New Year on 1 September until St Francis Day on Thursday 4 October. Creationtide is originally an Eastern Orthodox initiative but has now spread widely among Anglican, Roman Catholic and Protestant congregations, bringing Christians together to pray and work for the protection of the environment that sustains everyone. Pope Francis gave a major boost to the profile of Creationtide in 2016 when he declared 1 September an annual ‘World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation’.
You can sign up to receive daily resource emails from EcoChurch South West by visiting their website
The following liturgical resources are available for use by clergy and readers…
Watch a video made by the Most Revd Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to support the Season of Creation.
Alternative Bible readings for the five Sundays in September 2019 are as follows:
Sunday 1st Sept
Genesis 1: 1–25
Psalm 19
Revelation 3: 14–22
John 1: 1–5
Sunday 8th Sept
Genesis 1: 26–2.3
Psalm 8
Colossians 1: 15–20
John 1: 6–18
Sunday 15th Sept
Deuteronomy 26:1–11
Psalm 100
Philippians 4: 4–9
John 6: 25–35
Sunday 22nd Sept
Proverbs 8: 1–4, 22–31
Psalm 148
Acts 17: 22–34
Matthew 6: 19–24
Sunday 29th Sept
Genesis 9: 8–17
Psalm 67
1 Corinthians 10: 23–31
Matthew 5: 43–48
“Tenants of the King” is a new Bible-based, Jesus-centred resource from Operation Noah. This four-part study series is designed to help you and your church consider what the Bible has to say about today’s climate crisis. Through interactive group sessions, video interviews with leading Christian thinkers and insightful Bible commentary, this resource will help you and your church to reflect on the challenges of a changing climate, and how Christians can respond with hope to one of today’s greatest challenges.
Material for seasons and festivals of the agricultural year from “Common Worship: Times and Seasons”, commended by the House of Bishops for use at the discretion of the minister
Resources for worship and prayer produced by the CofE Environment Task Group
A series of liturgical resources for Years A, B and C, including collects, post-communion prayers, forms of intercession and additional material for the Eucharistic Prayer, produced for trial use by the Diocese of Guildford
In addition to the resources from this country, the Environmental Network of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa has produced a rich collection of liturgical resources for use in that church
Find out more about the Season of Creation
Support is available from the Diocesan Environmental Adviser, the Revd Arthur Champion: ku.gr1739202903o.coi1739202903dsolg1739202903@noip1739202903mahca1739202903 or tel. 01242 870402.