Training as a Reader in the Diocese of Gloucester has recently seen some important and exciting changes. The initial training period with our training partner, Cuddesdon Gloucester and Hereford, hasContinue reading
Tag: Readers
Careers fair sparks vocations conversations
Cotswold School invited local priests to come and chat with young people about their futures, gifts and vocations at a careers fair, providing space for deeper reflection on broader questionsContinue reading
Rachel: “I am blessed with so much and am called to give back”
Rachel Tarling has a dual vocation, to Reader ministry and to paid work as an Orthogeriatric Associate Specialist at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, where she cares for elderly patients. She hasContinue reading
Message from Bishop Robert, 22 October 2024
I have written before of that moving moment in the confirmation service when the candidate declares their name, a man, a woman, a child, made in the image of God.Continue reading
Rebecca: “Our faith should guide us toward justice”
Although many associate religious callings with ordained ministry, Gloucester Cathedral archivist Rebecca Phillips explains how her lay role fulfils a deep sense of vocation. Rebecca Phillips is the Archivist atContinue reading
Joyful service of licensing and celebration at Gloucester Cathedral
On Saturday, Gloucester Cathedral hosted a joyful service of thanksgiving and dedication where 200 people gathered to witness the admission of two new Readers and to license a third ReaderContinue reading
Message from Bishop Robert, 17 September 2024
This coming Saturday (21 September) at 3pm in the Cathedral, we shall be celebrating the ministry of Readers in our Diocese. Two new Readers will be admitted and licensed toContinue reading
Karen Czapiewski becomes a licensed Reader after many years of service
“I’ve needed people alongside God to get me to this point. And now, I hope to be that support for others.”
New WhatsApp service for clergy and Readers
Clergy, Readers and licensed lay ministers in and around the Diocese of Gloucester can now receive key messages from the Diocese of Gloucester direct to their phones. The new serviceContinue reading
Annual Readers’ and Licensed Lay Workers’ Day & Licensing Service 2023
This is event is open to Diocese of Gloucester Readers and Licensed Lay Workers only. Please click here to confirm your place at this event. Date: Saturday 30 September 2023Continue reading
Footage from the 2022 Readers’ Day
The Readers’ Day service of admission, licensing and re-commitment to Reader ministry was live streamed on Saturday 24 September.
Readers celebrate centenary of Central Readers’ Council
On Saturday 16 July, two Readers represented the Diocese of Gloucester at a garden party at Bishopsthorpe Palace hosted by the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, to mark the centenary of the Central Readers’ Council.
What does God call you to? Exploring Reader ministry
Blog by Lee Barnes, Warden of Readers One of the most incredible and wonderful truths about the people of God who gather in local churches or other expressions of ChristianContinue reading
A video message for our Readers
Have you met Lee Barnes, our new Warden of Readers and Lay Ministry Officer for the Diocese of Gloucester? Lee and his team support, develop, and promote Reader ministry andContinue reading
Video and photos from the Readers’ Day 2021
Sunny skies, big smiles and a recommitment to ministry at the annual Readers’ Day celebration at Gloucester Cathedral. You can see some of the photos of this special day of fellowship
Meet Lee, our new Warden of Readers and Lay Ministry Officer
The Revd Lee Barnes has been appointed as the new Warden of Readers and Lay Ministry Officer. As Warden of Readers, Lee will support the Reader community and take forwardContinue reading
Creationtide 2020: resources for clergy and readers
Every year the Season of Creation runs from the Orthodox New Year on 1 September until St Francis Day on Sunday 4 October. Creationtide was initiated by the Eastern Orthodox ChurchContinue reading
Key workers contributed to special vocations church service
Key workers spoke of how their Christian faith has helped give them strength to serve others during the coronavirus pandemic, in the Church of England’s national weekly online service toContinue reading
Mar 27: a letter to all clergy, churchwardens in vacancy and Readers
A message from Bishop Rachel and Bishop Robert. To all clergy, churchwardens in vacancy and Readers Please find below a letter from the Archbishops issued today. We askContinue reading
Mar 28: Funeral guidance and resources
To all clergy and Readers As you will be aware the latest national Church guidance is that funerals may now only happen at the Crematorium or at the graveside. OnlyContinue reading
Gloucestershire Reader to become part of ‘Archbishop’s College of Evangelists’
The founder of Project Touchline, faith-based sports training, will become a member of the Archbishop’s College of Evangelists this Wednesday. Chris is a Reader in our Diocese and came upContinue reading
Creationtide 2019: resources for clergy and readers
Every year the Season of Creation runs from the Orthodox New Year on 1 September until St Francis Day on Thursday 4 October. Creationtide is originally an Eastern Orthodox initiativeContinue reading