GCEJN – Gloucester Churches Environmental Justice Network This session will be led by Mark Siddall and the theme will be reflections on making the transition from being a Christian workingContinue reading
Allotments, gardening and community composting
If you’re interested in community gardening and how you and your church can care for your local green or wild places, why not join the Gloucestershire Churches Environmental Justice NetworkContinue reading
Ticket details announced for Gaia at Gloucester Cathedral
Following the recent announcement by Gloucester Cathedral and Ecclesiastical Insurance Group that Luke Jerram’s Gaia will be taking up residence in the Cathedral Nave between 13 October and 1 NovemberContinue reading
Creationtide 2020: resources for clergy and readers
Every year the Season of Creation runs from the Orthodox New Year on 1 September until St Francis Day on Sunday 4 October. Creationtide was initiated by the Eastern Orthodox ChurchContinue reading
Creationtide 2019: resources for clergy and readers
Every year the Season of Creation runs from the Orthodox New Year on 1 September until St Francis Day on Thursday 4 October. Creationtide is originally an Eastern Orthodox initiativeContinue reading
Diocesan Environmental Adviser
The Revd Arthur Champion is the Environmental Adviser for the Diocese of Gloucester. Arthur has had a lifelong commitment to caring for the environment. His experience includes pioneering a church-basedContinue reading