Safeguarding in the Diocese of Gloucester

Published: Tuesday April 30, 2024


In February of this year our diocese, including Gloucester Cathedral, was externally audited for our safeguarding work. This audit was part of the Church of England’s ongoing commitment to making the Church a safer place for all, ensuring that all dioceses and cathedrals have the best possible practice in place.



“The Audit found a strong and tangible focus on safeguarding with a clear leadership commitment to create and support a culture that enables everyone engaged with and by the church to flourish”.

INEQE were the group appointed by the Archbishops Council to carry out the audit and they spent a full week with us in the Diocese of Gloucester. They interviewed people in different roles across the diocese and Cathedral, ran surveys, and examined documents and paperwork.

We have now received the final report INEQE Report

Bishop Rachel, Bishop Robert and Dean Andrew have welcomed this report, “We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part or contributed to this audit, from our Parish Safeguarding Officers, clergy, lay leaders, Cathedral Chapter and community, partner organisations and all those working in our central and Cathedral offices, especially our Safeguarding Team. There is a lot to be proud of and we are committed to building on the recommendations made as we continue to strive for the highest level of safeguarding in the Diocese of Gloucester, making our churches and our Cathedral the safest places they can possibly be.”

“The Diocesan Safeguarding Team is universally recognised and appreciated at all levels across the DBF and parishes, as well as the Cathedral.”

We are really pleased to share that the report highlights significant positives and encouragement. These included reference to our diocesan safeguarding team who are appreciated at all levels across the diocese for the support, advice and training they provide;  our current support for victims or survivors; and for the Cathedral the recognition of a strong and tangible focus on safeguarding demonstrated through leadership and governance arrangements.

“The SCIE audit (2019) found that the Cathedral had a culture where people could learn, ask questions, and escalate concerns. This Independent Audit has found that the Cathedral has consolidated this position, and it mirrors the SCIE finding”.

The report also provides helpful areas of focus for which we could further develop our safeguarding culture and processes. These will now go to our Diocesan Safeguarding Advisory Panel, led by our independent Chair, and the Cathedral Chapter, to help shape our ongoing safeguarding work and plans. We will ensure to continue to keep you updated.

If you are not already signed up to our monthly safeguarding newsletter, we would encourage you to. It’s full of helpful information, interesting stories, and key statutory guidance. Sign up here.

“The Diocese of Gloucester’s website presents a strong, modern theme that loads quickly, performs well with search engine optimisation (SEO) and is mobile-responsive. The ‘safeguarding’ section is prominently featured and is easily accessible”.

“The Dean works closely with the Bishop as they collectively endeavour to sustain a safeguarding culture that enables people across the Cathedral and beyond to flourish. Their Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy is comprehensive, they champion Mental Health First Aid, and their Welcome Values convey a real sense that the Cathedral is committed to creating a positive safeguarding culture.”


 All quotes taken from the INEQE audit report. 



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