In the midst of all the different strands of my ministry at present, I continue to reflect on a world in which oversimplistic binary views are so prevalent and so easily shape the way people view the world, yet the truth is that stories and lives are far messier than that.
Tag: Prisons Week
Bishop Rachel’s statement on HM Prisons
“Sending prisoners abroad is not the answer …” The Anglican Bishop for HM Prisons, The Rt Revd Rachel Treweek said, “I am dismayed at the news that the Government isContinue reading
Prayer resources for Prisons Week 2023
Prisons Week begins with Prisons Sunday on 8 October. For nearly 50 years, Prisons Week has encouraged Christians everywhere to pray for prisoners and their families, victims of crime andContinue reading
Is sentencing effective for the offender? Pilot event with young people in Cheltenham
In partnership with All Saints Academy and the University of Gloucestershire, Bishop Rachel ran an event for Y11 and sixth form students exploring the sentences which are given for crimes.Continue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel, 11 October 2022
As well as the privilege of being Bishop of Gloucester, I also have the additional privilege of being Anglican Bishop for His Majesty’s Prisons in England and Wales, and last Sunday was Prisons Sunday at the start of Prisons Week. The theme this year is Thankfulness, and it was good to explore that during the Eucharist at HMP Ashfield in the Diocese of Bristol.
Message from Bishop Rachel, 19 October 2021
In the aftermath of the shocking murder of Sir David Amess, I was struck by some words I heard on the radio spoken by Bishop James Jones (Bishop of Liverpool prior to his retirement). He spoke about the way we treat one another and speak of those with whom we disagree, not least those who serve and lead publicly. He spoke of a society that so often lacks mercy.
Bishop Rachel pushes for change to women’s justice system
The Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Rachel Treweek, hosted an event in the House of Lords to highlight the need to divert women from the criminal justice system and abolish short term prison sentencing for women with non-violent crimes.
Prison Week Sponsoring Organisations: Respair
The Diocese of Gloucester is delighted to be part of the community of sponsoring organisations that have developed the resources for this year’s Prisons Week Campaign (10 – 16 OctoberContinue reading