Message from Bishop Rachel, 10 October 2023

Published: Tuesday October 10, 2023

Bishop RachelIn the midst of all the different strands of my ministry at present, I continue to reflect on a world in which oversimplistic binary views are so prevalent and so easily shape the way people view the world, yet the truth is that stories and lives are far messier than that.

This week, our screens have been full of horrific scenes in Israel and Gaza, and if ever there was a complex situation it is that of Israel and Palestine. I was grateful for the Archbishops’ statement at the weekend, and I have endorsed it here.

This week is also Prisons’ Week, and I am deeply aware that it is far too easy to speak of offenders and victims, and for people to stand in one position over and against another, when the reality is that offenders are also often victims, and the whole landscape of criminal justice and right and wrong is very messy when one peels back the layers on the stories of individuals and communities. There is much to be said about how we all participate in the weaving of the fabric of our society. I write more about this in an article here.

Then yesterday we had a meeting of the House of Bishops regarding The Prayers of Love and Faith. The press release and information is here, but does not convey the range of emotion as we continue to walk together, and faithfully and prayerfully make decisions. This is not about binary views or sides, although we hear much of that language. There will of course be further discussion at the General Synod in November, as well as at our Diocesan Synod immediately after the latter.

All of these things named above will impact our lives in different ways as we walk the coming weeks and months, and so much of that will be shaped by what we read and hear in the news and on social media, which too easily perpetuates the simplistic and the binary.

May we continue to open ourselves to the mysterious and expansive love, mercy and grace of God as we seek to live both lament and hope, and be Christ’s body here on earth.

With my thanks and prayers as ever.

+ Rachel

One thought on “Message from Bishop Rachel, 10 October 2023

  1. I found it useful to realise that there are 3 visions for justice: maximising human economy (realm of political left) OR maximising human freedoms (realm of political right) OR maximising human virtues (that should be the realm of the Christian Church).

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