The Diocese of Bristol is delighted to announce that the Revd Lee Barnes has been appointed to the roles of Adviser for Fresh Expressions of Church and Adviser for Curacy.Continue reading
Tag: Fresh Expressions
Pioneer Ministry Blog: The common threads between managing England and pioneering
Well, England have just lost at the quarter final stage of the 2022 World Cup, and it hasn’t taken to long for people to start asking the question about GarethContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: Changing times and seasons
I’m sure you’ll agree that we’ve been through quite a few months of surprise and change as a nation and within the world at large. No one could have predictedContinue reading
Share Matson – serving up love
Andy Wilson, Church Army pioneer minister, shares how he came to open and lead Share Matson – a fresh expression of church on the outskirts of Gloucester. Share Matson offersContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: If our focus is on remaining, sustaining or maintaining, we will not be obtaining all that God may have in store!
I am very aware as I write this, that the wording can seem provocative, and to some extent it is meant to be, but also it is something I haveContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: Invitation: are we engaging?
Recently we hosted a webinar looking at the issue of invitation, and the key elements of it, and it drew out some interesting thoughts, some of which we look atContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: Starting with a blank sheet of paper
Last August I was licensed as ‘Community Pioneer Minister‘ for the Parish of West Cheltenham and essentially given a blank sheet of paper on which to imaginatively draw the futureContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: Bible and Big Bang – can they go together?
Engaging schools and congregations with big questions around science and faith Psalm 111:2 ESV: Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them. This yearContinue reading
What does it mean to be a ‘Dementia-friendly church’?
Dementia awareness and projects in local churches We recognise the extraordinary worshipping communities who care for people living with the condition. Inclusion and connection help us all flourish together. InContinue reading
Forest Church: connecting with God out in nature
Many people around us find that their most profoundly spiritual moments are when they are outdoors, in nature. The Revd Cate Williams, our Mission and Evangelism Officer, says “Increasingly IContinue reading
Using the Jesus Deck in Christian mission
This half day event on Saturday 5th May is being organised by Celebrate Tewkesbury and is of interest to any who are exploring mission in new and creative ways. TheContinue reading
Working with areas of new housing
All kinds of resources related to working in areas of new housing are being collated on a new website page. Do have a browse if you have new housing inContinue reading
Mission Shaped Intro
Mission Shaped Intro (msi) is a short five or six week course, suitable as an introduction to contemporary missional thinking for a parish, benefice or deanery. It is currently underwayContinue reading