Introduction ‘Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.’ How good are we at discerning Jesus’ voice in the clamour? How might we help others to listen toContinue reading
Author: Ruth Cameron
Open the Gospel October – 17 November, Christ the King
Introduction ‘This is but the beginning of the birth pangs.’ Ministry often feels like a very long and painful labour hey? Let’s encourage one another that there is a happyContinue reading
Open the Gospel October – 10 November, Remembrance Sunday
Introduction ‘Beware of the scribes… They will receive the greater condemnation.’ In a world raging with conflict, let’s discern together who the scribes we should be aware of are –Continue reading
Open the Gospel October – 3 November, All Saints and All Souls
Introduction ‘This is indeed the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him may have eternal life; and I will raise them up onContinue reading
Open the Gospel October – 27 October, last after Trinity
Introduction ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ What might you answer? How is our confidence to ask those big, audacious things of God? Mark 10.46–52 They cameContinue reading
Open the Gospel October – 20 October, 21 after Trinity
Introduction ‘Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.’ If we’re honest, aren’t we often just as outrageous in our requests? Even if it’s notContinue reading
Open the Gospel October – 13 October, 20 after Trinity
Introduction ‘Why do you call me good?’ Another of those simple, yet unbelievably complex, questions of Jesus’. What does good look like; for us personally, as worshipping communities, as aContinue reading
Open the Gospel October – 6 October, 19 after Trinity
Introduction Those Pharisees, focussing on outward appearances when Jesus is so clearly interested in the inner life! Easy to see from our vantage point – but are we any better? Continue reading
Open the Gospel September – 29 September, Trinity 18
‘Whoever is not against us is for us.’ The church hasn’t always be open to working with people of peace – it can feel like a minefield. But are weContinue reading
Open the Gospel September – 22 September, 17 after Trinity
‘What were you arguing about on the way?’ What arguments do we get into, and how much damage do they do? When is it worth arguing, and when does it leadContinue reading
Open the Gospel September – 8 September, 15 after Trinity
Reading: Mark 7.24-37 From there he set out and went away to the region of Tyre. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know he was there.Continue reading
Open the Gospel September – 15 September, 16 after Trinity
‘Who do people say that I am?’ is one of those questions Jesus asked that exposed so much. It’s a great question to be asking in our preaching context. AsContinue reading
Open the Gospel September – 1 September, 14 after Trinity
Reading: Mark 7.1-8,14,15,21-23 Now when the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around him, they noticed that some of his disciples were eating with defiledContinue reading
Growing spiritual muscles
‘Hey! Christmas has come early for you!’ It was an understandable conclusion for someone to make as my arms were filled with branches of pinecones and a tin of spicedContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: Are we courageous in our waiting?
As we are all very aware, we have just celebrated ascension, and also Pentecost. And I have been reflecting on the learning that those early Disciples went through in thoseContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: If he is present, are we?
Many of us will maybe be looking at passages where Jesus met with the disciples after his resurrection. Jesus appears in locked rooms, on a journey along a road, byContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: Scars: The painful receiving, the prophetic living!
Some of you will know, that I have been battling skin cancer, and at the start of this year, it materialised again. This has meant 2 lots of surgery IContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: The common threads between managing England and pioneering
Well, England have just lost at the quarter final stage of the 2022 World Cup, and it hasn’t taken to long for people to start asking the question about GarethContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: Changing times and seasons
I’m sure you’ll agree that we’ve been through quite a few months of surprise and change as a nation and within the world at large. No one could have predictedContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: There is freedom in unwinding
Blog by Andy Wilson, Lead Evangelist, Gloucester Centre of Mission Recently, I had a 3-year review for my work as a Church Army evangelist. As part of that review, peopleContinue reading
Frontier Youth Trust – Online CPD Course: Beyond the Church Youth Work Training
Beyond the Church Youth Work Training
Pioneer Ministry Blog: If our focus is on remaining, sustaining or maintaining, we will not be obtaining all that God may have in store!
I am very aware as I write this, that the wording can seem provocative, and to some extent it is meant to be, but also it is something I haveContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: Invitation: are we engaging?
Recently we hosted a webinar looking at the issue of invitation, and the key elements of it, and it drew out some interesting thoughts, some of which we look atContinue reading
Pioneer Ministry Blog: Starting with a blank sheet of paper
Last August I was licensed as ‘Community Pioneer Minister‘ for the Parish of West Cheltenham and essentially given a blank sheet of paper on which to imaginatively draw the futureContinue reading