Using the Jesus Deck in Christian mission

Published: Thursday January 18, 2018

This half day event on Saturday 5th May is being organised by Celebrate Tewkesbury and is of interest to any who are exploring mission in new and creative ways.  The Jesus deck is a powerful tool for evangelism that can be used in a variety of settings. It is used to encourage the sharing of personal stories and then seeks to connect a person’s story with the story of Jesus. It consists of a set of cards illustrating the life of Jesus with the four suits corresponding to the four gospels.  In a Post-Christian culture it is an approach that intrigues and engages many people.  A small team from Celebrate and Tewkesbury Abbey had some amazing encounters whilst using them at the Tewkesbury Medfest last year and are taking the lead in offering this training to a wider audience.

2 thoughts on “Using the Jesus Deck in Christian mission

    1. Thanks Yvonne, yes the Bible is integral to everything that we do. We’re continuing to use the Bible and Jesus’ example to speak to people and share the message, but also seeking to take advantage of all the means at our disposal to share the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ in new and creative ways.

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