Your Diocesan Synod needs you

Published: Monday February 26, 2024

Have you ever considered becoming a member of the Gloucester Diocesan Synod? This summer, we will be seeking newly elected members to represent a broad spectrum of our diocesan-wide communities and help us to shape our LIFE Together vision.

Diocesan Synod members are an essential part of how we live out our vision of LIFE Together, shaping the big picture across the Diocese in the discussions we have and the decisions we take. Members of the Synod bring not only their own voice into the room, but all those they represent from across their deanery, local contexts and communities.

The Diocesan Synod for the Diocese of Gloucester considers matters sent to it from General Synod and from deaneries. It formulates diocesan policy advice, debates important local and national issues and advises the Bishop, as appropriate. Members also agree proposals for the annual budget and approves or disapproves them; and receives the Annual Report and Accounts of the Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF). Elected members serve for three years.

The Gloucester Diocesan Synod is held three times a year, usually in February, July and October, and has roughly 130 elected members. The triennial Diocesan Synod elections are due to take place this summer.

Most people serve on the Diocesan Synod as deanery representatives – whether clergy or lay – and so represent the deanery and communities they serve. They also ensure that a good two-way flow of communication happens with their Deanery Synod, keeping people informed and updated on the work of the Synod, the GDBF and the vision of the Diocese. Members are there to work in collaboration with each other and with the officers of the Diocese to forward the vision, mission and ministry of the Church.

The closing date for nominations is 21 June 2024. Please read this leaflet: Diocesan Synod,  or visit: Synods in the Church of England – Diocese of Gloucester (

If you would like to find out more, contact Lucy Taylor on ku.gr1739463877o.coi1739463877dsolg1739463877@roly1739463877atl1739463877




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