Have you ever considered becoming a member of the Gloucester Diocesan Synod? This summer, we will be seeking newly elected members to represent a broad spectrum of our diocesan-wide communitiesContinue reading
Tag: Synod
Bishop Rachel speaks in General Synod, on sentencing and rehabilitation
Speaking as Anglican Bishop for Prisons, Bishop Rachel spoke in General Synod on GS2294A; a motion from Worcester, on the Contribution of faith to the Rehabilitation of Offenders. Read theContinue reading
Could you represent your parish on Deanery Synod?
Deanery Synod elections are happening in your area this spring, but what’s it all about? What’s a deanery synod? Deaneries are groups of Anglican parishes in a geographical area. TheContinue reading
Gloucester Diocesan Synod commits to no fossil fuel investment
As politicians from around the world gathered to look at the international response to the environmental crisis at COP27, Diocesan Synod made a key commitment statement. Diocesan Environmental Engagement Officer,Continue reading
Message from Bishop Rachel, 5 July 2022
This Friday, hundreds of people from across the country will gather in York for the four-day summer meeting of the General Synod of the Church of England. From this diocese, this will include me, three elected clergy members and four elected lay members.
Stand for Diocesan Synod – last chance for nominations
A message from Karen Czapiewski, (Chair of the House of Laity and Chair of Diocesan Board of Finance). Could you stand for Diocesan Synod? Do you know someone who mightContinue reading
A message from Bishop Rachel: Diocesan Synod Presidential Address, given on Saturday 28 November
Tomorrow is Advent Sunday – the start of the new Church year – and with Advent comes a time of watching and waiting. You might feel as if you’ve done a bit too much of that recently.
Stand for deanery Synod
If you sit on your PCC and are interesting in working with others across your local area to promote the mission of the church, you might consider standing for Deanery Synod.
Synod strengthens emissions target after climate emergency declared
Diocesan Synod has declared a climate emergency and agreed to bring forward dates for reducing emissions by 20 years. Synod called on all parts of the diocese to work towardsContinue reading
Nomination forms for General Synod
Nomination forms for General Synod Nomination Form GS Laity casual vacancy 2019 Nomination Form GS Proctor casual vacancy 2019
Bishop Rachel’s Presidential Address
Our God is a God of fullness and completion – God of creation and re-creation.
Bishop Rachel says Synod debate was excellent
The General Synod’s vote “not to take note” of a Report by the House of Bishops on the report on Marriage and Same-Sex Relationships : Contrary to headlines in the media,Continue reading
Marriage and Same Sex Relationships after the Shared Conversations
A Report from the House of Bishops This morning, a report from the House of Bishops has been made available ahead of the Church’s General Synod in February. The reportContinue reading