New Chairs for GDBF and Houses of Diocesan Synod

Published: Tuesday October 15, 2024

At the last Diocesan Synod, the Parliament for the Diocese of Gloucester, the posts of Chair of the Gloucester Diocesan Board of Finance, Chair of the House of Clergy and Chair of the House of Laity were elected. These three posts are key leadership roles within the diocese as we live out LIFE Together.

David Roberts, the new Chair of the DBF

The Chair of the DBF works with the Bishop and the Diocesan Secretary on the diocesan strategic policy. The Chair oversees key meetings, such as chairing the Finance Committee, and finance-related discussions at the Bishop’s Council. 

A picture of David Roberts“I have lived for nearly 25 years  in Chipping Campden in the North Cotswold Deanery, and I worship at St James’s Church in Chipping Campden.  I am married with three grown-up boys.

“I retired in March 2022, having previously been a partner in a large firm of Chartered Accountants in London.  Although I was a specialist in the insurance sector, over the course of my career I also worked with a wide variety of business types including not-for-profit organisations.

“I have for many years been a season ticket holder at Gloucester Rugby, and I enjoy cycling around the Cotswolds, and hill walking wherever my wife and I can find time and at least reasonable weather.  I am a trustee of the Chipping Campden Music Festival, having been one of the three founders in 2002.

“Following my retirement, I joined the Audit Committee of the DBF, which at least gave me some perspective on what might be involved when the opportunity to serve as DBF Chair arose.  Ensuring that the DBF continues to effectively support the mission of the Diocese is a complex but clearly very worthwhile challenge, and that is the essence of what motivated me to take on the Chair role.  I enjoy working with teams of people with differing interests, skills, and backgrounds, and I am looking forward to doing that in this new role.”

The Revd Jo Pestell, new Chair of the House of Clergy

The Chair of the House of Clergy represents the ordained people within the diocese and is elected from and by the clergy serving on Diocesan Synod.

A picture of Jo Pestell with a big smile “I have enjoyed a varied working life, starting as mathematician and project manager in the defence industry, running a national charity, and managing two theological colleges before being ordained deacon in 2016. I have been a Trustee for a range of different charities. I trained as a pioneer and completed my MPhil in ecclesiology whilst serving my curacy in a Bishops Mission Order (BMO) as part of the diverse South Cheltenham Team. I became vicar at St Catharine’s, Gloucester 5 years ago, and Area Dean of Gloucester City in January 2022. I served briefly on General Synod and have been a member of Gloucester Diocesan Synod for 8 years, and Bishops Council since October 2021.

“I am delighted to take up this role as Chair of the House of Clergy and hope to bring to it a commitment to prayer, a love for the Church and the  wide breadth of Christian tradition as well as experiences across our mixed ecology of church.  As I serve in this role, I hope to learn more about the people and places of our Diocese. I enjoy working with, learning from, mentoring, sharing and praying with a mix of colleagues, and hopefully can listen well and enable views to be expressed and respected in conversation.

“The well-being of individuals, and communities, and enabling people to be confident in who they are called to be, feels important to me as we take our part in the Body of Christ.  I have a personal interest in living well as a single person and what this way of life offers to the Church.  I love being an auntie, and family, friends, my house rabbit (Hepsy), fun, food, beaches, walking, and photography are some of the things that make me smile.”

Carole O’Donnell, re-elected Chair of the House of Laity

The Chair of the House of Laity represents the lay people within the diocese and is elected from and by the lay people serving on Diocesan Synod.

A picture of Carole O'Donnell “My name is Carole O’Donnell and I was blessed to be re-elected as the Chair of the House of Laity for the Diocese of Gloucester at the last Diocesan Synod.

“I am a committed Christian and worship at St Bartholomew’s Church in the parish of Coaley, where I am also a member of the PCC and a church bellringer. Bellringing is a hobby that I have loved for over 50 years.

“I am the Deanery Lay Chair for Wotton Deanery, working alongside the Area Dean, Graham Stacey.

“Whilst I am retired, I have filled my time with volunteering. I am a county lead volunteer for Gloucestershire Scouting, a Chair of Governors at 3 DGAT primary schools,  and a Trustee of Viney Hill Christian Adventure Centre and the Ann Edwards Charity.

“In my role as Diocesan Lay Chair, I aim to continue seeking and reflecting the views, needs and hope of the Laity in the diocese. I will continue to develop my collaborative working with Diocesan Officers, whilst strengthening partnerships of all kinds across the diocese and beyond. I would like further mission and ministry, whilst at the same time be a guardian of good governance across the diocese. When leading in this role, I will be prayerful, using my gifts, skills and experience to the best of my abilities.”

The word Leadership spelt out, with Committed to Transformation written underneath.

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