From the HR and Safeguarding Team: Tuesday 9 February 2021
A big and ongoing thank you for continuing to be the eyes and ears of safeguarding in our local worshipping communities. We know that many are finding this third lockdown harder than previous ones and we are starting to see an increase in the safeguarding concerns raised with us. It is great to know that people in parishes are continuing to support children and vulnerable adults at this time.

Brett and Becca
Brett and Beca continue to work from home and are still available by phone or email through all the usual numbers, to talk through situations and offer advice and support. Do get in touch with them.
DBS checks
For the most part DBS checks are coming back quite quickly and there are ways that identification can be done virtually – if you have any questions please do get in touch with Kate Peak on Âku.1739005349gro.c1739005349oidso1739005349lg@ka1739005349epK1739005349
We are delivering the leadership workshop online which continues to be well received. If you’re not sure which module you or those in your parish need to know, please do look at the recently updated website. If you still have questions please get in touch with Laura Evans our safeguarding and training administrator on ku.gr1739005349o.coi1739005349dsolg1739005349@gnin1739005349iartg1739005349nidra1739005349ugefa1739005349s1739005349
Deanery workshops
We have been running deanery workshops on Zoom. Places are still available, the dates are available here. They are an opportunity to meet with Brett and Becca, get updates on safeguarding and share good practice all from the comfort of your own home. These workshops are a great way to learn more about the Parish Dashboard, a really accessible online tool that more and more parishes are now using. You can use it to track your safeguarding locally and where you would like to focus on safeguarding; and an excellent way of keeping your records with simple ways of checking out where people need renewals etc.
The national safeguarding team is currently consulting dioceses on a range of updated policies and practices and we will be in touch with you when we know more. Safer Recruitment and people management is a key development that PCCs will want to learn more about, and we will run a few general webinar sessions when we have more information to share.
New resources for children and young people
Becca was commissioned by the National Safeguarding team to create some new safeguarding resources for children. They include activities for children and youth groups, leaflets and a short film explaining to children what to expect from the adults who look after them in church, and what to do if someone hurts them or does something that makes them feel unsafe.
The film is also a great resource to share during an online PCC or church meeting.
To access the resources head to the national safeguarding team’s training portal which you can find here. Once you have logged in, on the “Additional Resources” tab at the top is a link to “Empowering Children Resources” where you will find the new materials.
Clewer Initiative Lent resource
Did you know that in 2018, one third of victims identified by the UK Modern Slavery Helpline were women?
Women in the Shadows is their new course for Lent, created to help shine a light on the suffering of marginalised
women. The course focuses on the different ways women and girls are exploited in the UK today.
Each week during Lent, you explore a particular theme, including the stages of a victim’s experience of exploitation, specific types of modern slavery affecting women and girls and ways that we might bring about change and recovery.
During the course, you will discover how women are drawn into modern slavery and exploitative situations; what life can be like for them once they are rescued, and the many challenges they face as they recover from trauma. You will also find out more about sexual exploitation, labour exploitation and county lines and how to recognise signs of modern slavery.
The course includes a series of short films and a devotional booklet to guide us. There’s a film for each week, supported by materials to stimulate deeper consideration and reflection.
A short trailer for the course is available to download here. To learn more and to download the resources visit the Clewer website
Hi ,will you be expecting us ( nominated safeguarding parish officers) to complete a safeguarding checklist this year?
Many thanks
Judy Halliday
St Marys
Frampton on Severn