How do you describe God? What words would you use? Do the words change? To help explore this question and the many characteristics of God, PSALMS (now Sportily) created a discovery trail to think about who God is.
If you would like to run the trail in your area, the pack is available from PSALMS. See the details at the end of the article.
The trail consists of eight different stations all located within a walkable route. Each station has a poster themed around a different word to describe God, for example, God is forgiving. You can read a Biblical example of God displaying that characteristic, as well as having access to a testimony from a PSALMS team member via a QR code. Participants are also given an active challenge to do in response to what they have read and heard.
The purpose of the trail was to help communities explore several different characteristics of God, to consider how they themselves would describe him, whilst also getting active by walking around the community they live in.
The trail was run in five different locations – Painswick, North Gloucester, Nailsworth, Kemble, Stonehouse with West Cheltenham to follow in the new year.
We have collated some feedback from the different areas where the trail was active and have found some very good responses. From our social media data, we can see that the trail was well received. Below is a statement from Pastor Robert of Bethel Church Stonehouse who took part in the trail.
“The discovery trail was a brilliant initiative to discover God. I found it gave us food for thought while walking to the next venue, we could discuss who God is. This is a good way to help people get to know who God is. Loved it!”
The Discovery trail is available for use in other areas, with PSALMS happy to send over the resource to you. To access the resource yourself email Tim Fletcher at ten.k1739283452u.sml1739283452asp@r1739283452ehcte1739283452lf.mi1739283452t1739283452.