Can you remember your New Year’s resolution if you made one? If you are like me, probably not. That’s possibly because I am not sure that New Year is anContinue reading
Tag: discipleship
What happens when someone meets a spiritual director?
Dr Joe Neary, a retired GP living in Birdlip, is a spiritual director and teaches on the Gloucestershire Spirituality Course. Joe uses a fictional example to illustrate what happens duringContinue reading
Vocation to Ministry Day
An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading
Vocation to Ministry Day
An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading
Vocation to Ministry Day
An opportunity for people with a sense that the Holy Spirit is nudging them to explore new ways of serving God in the Church and the world. As we seekContinue reading
New features on A Church Near You
The team at A Church Near You has just released a couple of useful updates to help you get to know at a glance everything that’s happening in your church,Continue reading
Everyday Faith Portal launched
If you’re looking for a simple way to grow in faith and find new resources to equip, inspire and encourage you in your everyday life, take a look at the Everyday Faith portal
What does God call you to? Exploring Reader ministry
Blog by Lee Barnes, Warden of Readers One of the most incredible and wonderful truths about the people of God who gather in local churches or other expressions of ChristianContinue reading
Advent calendars for care homes
Gill Ford, the Anna coordinator for CaBiC, an interdenominational charity, which has been set up to support and coordinate ministry to older people in the local area, has been busyContinue reading
Solène: “My faith makes me feel safe”
24-year-old Solène, a college student living in Woodchester in Stroud recently took part in the Loved and Liked course. She found that it had a huge impact on her faith.Continue reading
COP26 week 1
A summary of week 1, in the life of the overall conference and the Christian presence in Glasgow. Key announcements this week: An agreement has been made by mostContinue reading
Celebrating a reconnection with God and community
The Celebrate congregation based in Prior’s Park, Tewkesbury have been on a week’s trip to the Christian Adventure Centre at Viney Hill. 32 people, including 19 children and teenagers wentContinue reading
A comic strip pointed me to my true calling
Exhausted primary school teacher Joanne Wykes was spending her life pushing herself to excel at work and also had tried to give everything to her previous church. But when lockdownContinue reading
Exploring Faith and Spirituality Courses
Every Thursday evening from September 2021 – July 2022 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm £5 – £30 This series of short courses offer the opportunity to explore our faith moreContinue reading
Wild and wonderful launch for year of science and faith
Scientist and author Petra Crofton is inviting families to a celebration of the launch of her new book and the start of a year of exploring the links between faith and science.
Introducing ‘Sportily’
Play sports, talk life. Run by Christians. Open to all. Sportily is the new name selected by children and young people for the sports ministry programme in our Diocese.Continue reading
Pilgrimage from Tewkesbury Abbey to Gloucester Cathedral
On Saturday, 4 September, this pilgrimage aims to promote spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing.
Walk for the Planet is now underway- join in!
There’s still time to sign up for the rest of the walk, which concludes its journey in our area on Wednesday. Listen to what the walkers had to say —>
I knew from that moment I could not turn away from God…
Andy Wilson, Lead Evangelist, Gloucester and Forest Centre of Mission shares his faith story in our #OneDiocese blog “At the age of 9, many kids will not necessarily have thoughtContinue reading
Imagination: Faith outside the church walls
When Gill Heron and her husband Simon moved to Cheltenham from North Essex in the middle of lockdown, they were determined that the closure of the church building wouldn’t beContinue reading
Message from Bishop Robert
“But I have not done enough.” These words were said to me some years ago by a member of the congregation in the church of which I was the Rector, to explain why they could not go ahead and be confirmed. ‘I have not done enough… I don’t deserve it…’ of course, as I tried gently to explain, if any of us waited until we have done enough to be confirmed no one would ever be!
Swimming in the right pool… Helen’s ordination journey
The journey to ordination was not simple for Helen McGeoch, as she was content following Jesus and sharing her faith without taking the path to ordained ministry. “I’ve been inContinue reading
Rachel puts down new roots in the Church of England
Rachel Beere is one of the six women and men who will be ordained deacon in a special service at Gloucester Cathedral on Sunday 27 June at 10.15am. This isContinue reading
New eco resource for youth groups
9 out of 10 Christian teenagers surveyed by Tearfund are concerned about climate change, but just one in 10 believe their church is doing enough to respond to the climateContinue reading