The Archbishops’ Commission on Families and Households is launching its public engagement phase, and this is your opportunity to have your say about how the Church and society can support families and households to flourish. For the next six weeks, the Commission is inviting responses about family and household life from individuals, organisations and churches through its Call for Evidence, which began on Monday 11 October. The Commission, chaired by Professor Janet Walker, hopes to hear from a wide range of voices and would be very grateful for your involvement.
To contribute to the Call for Evidence using the online form, please visit the website: Archbishops’ Commission on Families and Households | The Archbishop of Canterbury, or fill out the Word document version and send to ku.gr1731563027o.eca1731563027lapht1731563027ebmal1731563027@sdlo1731563027hesuo1731563027hdnas1731563027eilim1731563027af1731563027.