The Health Visiting service in Gloucestershire is looking for venues to do child health and development reviews for 9-12 month and 2-year-old children.
At present only children where there is a vulnerability identified or a parental/ professional concerns are being invited for face to face for their developmental reviews. They would like to open out the service again to offer it face to face to all families, but are finding venues to be challenging.
The priority areas are in the Forest of Dean, Newent and the North Cotswolds, but offers for venues anywhere in the Diocese would be welcomed.
Checks usually take place in libraries but due to Covid restrictions this is not currently possible. There is no budget available to pay for room hire, so the room hire would have to be gifted to the community as a way of enabling a crucial service to resume.
Any space offered would need to include;
- A clear way in and out of a building so that the parent and child are not walking through other groups of people
- Preferably no carpet in the room but if there is and all other part of risk assessment are satisfactory we can have carpet
- Preferably a hand basin the room or very close by for hand hygiene
- Room big enough to be able to keep a 2m distance
- Window in the room for ventilation
- Minimal clutter in the room
If you think you can help, please contact Sophie Martin, Head of Health Visiting, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury on ku.sh1738868366n.chg1738868366@1nit1738868366ram.e1738868366ihpos1738868366