Bishop Rachel opened the fourth annual Festival of Stars in the gardens of Dalkeith Residential Care Home in Cheltenham, and described the day as ‘brilliant’.
Tag: Nikki Seville
Festival of Stars 2022: creative arts event inspires communities
On 10 September 2022, the Pavilion Sports Field in Hatherly Lane, Cheltenham, came alive with a fun-packed day of creativity at the Festival of Stars. This popular free event, hostedContinue reading
Big smiles at Festival of Stars
Photos from a fabulous day out Drumbeats, dog shows and selfie contests brought smiles to the faces of the crowds at Whaddon Recreational Land with the annual Festival ofContinue reading
The winner of the 2021 Sermon Slam
Contestants had just three minutes to deliver an attention grabbing, exciting and inspiring sermon in the clearest and most creative way that they could. Natalie Marshall gave her prize-winning sermonContinue reading
Seven winners in Restoring Paradise competition
The LIFE vision group for Creative Arts, in conjunction with Cheltenham Christian Arts Festival held a competition to design a piece of art on the theme ‘Eden: Restoring Paradise’. OverContinue reading
HOPE in Fabric, Stitch and Recycled Bits and Pieces
The Creative Arts vision group for the Diocese of Gloucester is inviting you, your church group or your art club to create an eye catching banner with a message ofContinue reading
Art projects from the Christian Arts Festival
The Christian Arts Festival is encouraging people to make their own teepees and mini willow lantern houses this summer, with the aim of having them on display at a rescheduledContinue reading
Art competition opens
The Christian Arts Festival team and the arts strand of the LIFE vision have come up with a competition to encourage you during lock down. The theme is Eden: RestoringContinue reading