Saturday 25 May: Messy Church at St Paul and St Stephen Church in Gloucester Messy Church has been meeting at St Paul and St Stephen’s Church in Gloucester for moreContinue reading
Tag: Messy Church
Messtival 2024 – online Messy Church festival
Join the Messy Church team for a morning of inspiring workshops and affirming fellowship! Are you looking for fresh inspiration for your Messy Church? Look no further – the onlineContinue reading
Indoor fireworks display delights visitors at St Barnabas, Gloucester
A silent fireworks display brought over 400 people to St Barnabas Church in Gloucester on Fireworks Night. The event – a computer-generated projection show – was organised by husband andContinue reading
Invitation to special Coronation service at Gloucester Cathedral
As part of the Big Help Out day to celebrate the Coronation of The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort, everybody is warmly invited to attend a special serviceContinue reading
Churches celebrate Messy Church Goes Wild Roadshow launch
Messy Church Goes Wild was officially launched at the Christian Adventure Centre in Viney Hill on Saturday. It’s the latest offering from the Bible Reading Fellowship’s popular Messy Church, butContinue reading
Community meals bring families together in Lydney
Throughout the school summer holidays, churches in Lydney were busy providing a weekly meal to families. Jane Penny of Churches Together in Lydney shares how this simple initiative opened up opportunities for connection and friendship.
Local lifeline for parents and toddlers
From sharing those first unsteady steps, to allowing children to start exploring without a parent or carer, baby and toddler groups provide so much for our children. Many babies andContinue reading
Messy Church at Tuffley
Messy Church happens in Tuffley on a monthly basis. Helen McGeoch, Pioneer in Tuffley says, “Messy Church is so good, it’s breaking down barriers that separate church from community andContinue reading
Impact of our collaborative ‘Real Me’ resource
In one particular Messy Church, the ‘Real me’ message hit hard. The previous week, the suicide of a popular young woman in the wider community – apparently as a result of low self-worth – had rocked the community. Leaders were
Discover DeCrypt’s Community Art Project: Dry Bones Live
“And shall these dry bones live?” Ezekiel. Discover DeCrypt is the project to regenerate the historic church of St Mary de Crypt and the Old Crypt Schoolroom in Southgate Street,Continue reading
The Real Me
Working in partnership to create ways of helping children and young people explore their real value and identity. The Real Me: Messy Church resources now available
Upcoming young people and family events
Mega Messy Church – Please note this event is now fully booked. Sunday 16 September, 2pm to 5pm at Viney Hill Christian Adventure Centre. Messy Church meets Viney Hill ChristianContinue reading
Doing Messy Church, St James’, Dursley’s experience
From 10.30am ‘til 12 noon on between four and six Saturday mornings throughout the year, about 40-60 children have fun making things, playing games, acting, hearing the gospel, exploring BibleContinue reading
Could Rwanda help churches get more from the 2018 World Cup?
A team of lay and ordained people from the UK have made a trip to Rwanda to see the Scripture Union’s ReadySetGO sports ministry in action. Now they are home,Continue reading
Messy Church Does Science – Discover how science and faith mix
Messy Church Does Science – Discover how science and faith mix BRF Messy Church’s new project ‘Messy Church Does Science’ brings together faith and science under the safety-spectacled eye ofContinue reading
Aspiring scientists found at Messy Church!
Do you marvel about the beauty and delicacy of the cake or dissect and investigate it, why not do both?! This was the message to the 100 explorers and scientistsContinue reading
Donkey Scooting in Fairford
Donkeys come in all shapes and sizes, they are known for being strong willed even stubborn. No such problems in Fairford on Palm Sunday as regular Messy Church supporter Frank combinedContinue reading
Children’s Messy Admission to Communion
You could have heard a pin drop… 14 children and as many adults sat in a semi-circle around the altar of St Peter’s Newnham on Severn to receive communion. WeContinue reading