The Education Department aims to empower schools and their community through up-to-date support and training.
We offer a range of training designed to meet the needs of our church schools, including equipping them with the tools to identify and develop their Christian distinctiveness. This includes a clear focus on supporting schools to live out their school’s distinctive and unique Christian vision and ethos.
For this year, our training is brought to you through a mix of face-to-face and online opportunities. Please take a look in the drop-down sections below where you will find links to book our courses.
We look forward to welcoming you to our training events this coming year. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team ku.gr1743184161o.coi1743184161dsolg1743184161@noit1743184161acude1743184161
For 2024-25, we have a thorough review of our bespoke CPD and support offer. This and more can be found in the training brochure below.
Our education and training brochure for the 2024/2025 academic year can be found here: 2024-25 Education Training brochure
To book onto the confirmed training courses and events for 2024/2025, please click on the ‘Book in here’ links below or from the links at the bottom of the course page in the brochure.
As well as our own training, we signpost training from other providers through the Diocesan Education Newsletter.
Leavers’ Services 2025
These dates are now full. If your school has booked places at one of this year’s Leavers’ Services, you will be sent further information and a request for you to send us information in due course. Please respond swiftly as this enables the team to prepare effectively.
Tuesday 10 June 2025 10.30-11:30am and 1.30-2:30pm
Wednesday 11 June 2025 10.30-11:30am and 1.30-2:30pm
Thursday 12 June 2025 10.30-11:30am and 1.30-2:30pm
As part of ensuring administrative efficiency for the reasons detailed above and to ensure that we help you by bringing forward the dates at which more detailed information to help you prepare for Leavers’ Services are available, we set a firm deadline for 2025 bookings. This deadline was in Term 2, on Friday 20 December 2024.
In School Training
Led by Principal Advisors, our In School Training for 2024-25 is detailed below:
Courageous Advocacy
Courageous Advocacy is a frequent are of development within SIAMS reports. This session will enable you to develop an understanding of Courageous Advocacy and how children can become courageous advocates within your school. It will explore key resources for Courageous Advocacy, including Christian Aid’s Global Neighbours Scheme and the Archbishop’s Young Leaders Award. It will provide practical examples of how Courageous Advocacy can be developed in schools and help you consider what could best suit your school context.
SIAMS for Governors
This session, led in school by one of our Principal Advisors will develop your Governing Body’s understanding of SIAMS, exploring expectations for ongoing monitoring and evaluation and the expectations of governors during an inspection.
Spirituality in Schools
Struggling with expressing how your school encourages spiritual flourishing for both pupils and adults? Then this course is for you! It will provide an opportunity to explore how your school might talk about spirituality using simple metaphors grounded in the Christian faith but with relevance for people of all worldviews. It will also explore how these ideas might look in action from collective worship to times in the playground through to each subject even DT.
Vision Workshop
Is your theologically rooted Christian Vision supporting you to articulate your understanding of your school’s mission and purpose and serve the current needs of your community? Is it lived out in all aspects of school life and enabling flourishing that is deeply Christian and serves the Common Good? This workshop seeks to enable you to answer these questions and review and develop your school’s distinctively Christian Vision.
RE – Understanding Christianity
Understanding Christianity is a great resource that underpins the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus and is recommended to be included in teaching RE in all Church Schools. A spiral curriculum, focusing on eight key core Christian concepts woven with a visual frieze, this resource has much to offer in the classroom but can be overwhelming for practitioners who are new to the resource. This session is ideal for colleagues who are new to teaching RE in a church school or for a whole school refresher for those who want to make the most of the resource.
Booking and Costs for In School Staff Training
Sessions of up to 2 hours, completed by 6pm £200
Sessions of up to 2 hours, completed after 6pm £300
Small School Discount
Schools with less than 100 pupils, may request to invite another partner school, that also has less than 100 pupils, to in-school training. Each school will receive a 25% discount, please confirm which schools are attending when booking.
In School Staff Meetings and INSET Booking
Please use the form via the link below to request a session. We will then contact you to agree a date and time for the session.
2024-2025 Review & in school training request (
Bespoke Training for MATs and Schools
If you require any other training for your school or MAT, beyond what is listed above, please do not hesitate to contact us for a discussion of what could be offered and costings. Please send all enquiries of this nature to ku.gr1743184161o.coi1743184161dsolg1743184161@noit1743184161acude1743184161
Additional Consultancy Services
SIAMS SEF Review £100
A review of your SIAMS SEF, offering written feedback and guidance on the clarity of the format and content, its relevance to the SIAMS framework and suitability for the audience and purpose of a SIAMS SEF. There is the option of a telephone conversation to provide further clarification if required.
Please use the link below to request a SIAMS SEF Review and we will then be in touch to agree timescales for the review and obtain a copy of your SEF.
2024-2025 Review & in school training request (
Church School Website Review £400
Your school website is the way in which most people will form their first impression of your school. It is important that your website clearly shows that you are a Church of England School, through what is included and celebrated, with your school’s Christian vision central and highly visible. A SIAMS inspector will use your website as part of the pre-inspection information gathering. This website review will provide you with a detailed report with suggestions for improvement to ensure your website is SIAMS inspection ready. There is the option of a telephone conversation to provide further clarification if required. (N.B. this will not cover the statutory website requirements covered by the LA website checks)
2024-2025 Review & in school training request (
Church School Review
We provide all our Church Schools with a fully funded programme of mid-cycle SIAMS monitoring visits and pre-SIAMS visits at no cost to the school. There may be particular circumstances where a school wishes to receive an additional monitoring visit outside the normal timescales for these visits. This could be, for example, where a monitoring visit has indicated significant areas of development where they would value additional feedback on progress, or where the school has experienced significant leadership turnover. These additional visits are called ‘Church School Reviews’. Please contact the Diocesan Director of Education (ku.gr1743184161o.coi1743184161dsolg1743184161@duae1743184161grobj1743184161) in the first instance if you would like to discuss the suitability and cost of this option for your school at the current time.
Online Training Materials – NEW For 2024/25 Academic Year
Over the course of 2024-25 we will be releasing the following recorded online training sessions. The cost per school of each online session will be £50. This will allow continual access for all staff/governors within the school until end August 2025. Please visit the link below for more details of how to access the materials.
Spirituality in Schools (Expected Release Date: January 2025)
Courageous Advocacy (Expected Release Date: March 2025)
Developing a Vision – How to Get Started (Expected Release Date: January 2025)
RE Subject Leadership (Expected Release Date: March 2025)
Governor Preparation for SIAMS (Expected Release Date: November 2024)
There will be more information to follow later in the year.
We will continue to develop our online training offer. Please look out for further sessions in future.
Bespoke Consultancy for MATs and Schools
If you require any other consultancy for your school or MAT, beyond what is listed above and elsewhere in this brochure, please do not hesitate to contact us for a discussion of what could be offered and costings. Please send all enquiries of this nature to ku.gr1743184161o.coi1743184161dsolg1743184161@noit1743184161acude1743184161
Please book sessions in the Spring and Summer terms
Net Zero Carbon School
Ideas that won’t cost the earth
For school leaders, governors and trustees
By the end of the session participants should expect to learn ways to reduce their carbon footprint as well as understanding the responsibilities for headteacher, governors and the whole school community to work towards the 2030 carbon net zero target.
We will cover:
· Quick wins including behavioural changes
· Future proofing your school
· Latest news on funding
· Understanding your energy use including a review of the Display Energy Certificate (DEC)
· Latest resources available
“Excellent, more than was expected” “Very informative and useful” “Excellent knowledge base. Well delivered – friendly and informative”
Spring Term
Wednesday 12 March 2025 THIS COURSE IS NOW FULLY BOOKED, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ATTENDING THE NEXT ONE, PLEASE WRITE TO US: ku.gr1743184161o.coi1743184161dsolg1743184161@noit1743184161acude1743184161
RE Hub Meeting
For RE leads across Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire.
Please see further information on the Religious Education page of our website, in the RE Hubs tab.
Monday 24 March 2025 4.00pm-5.00pm
Online via Zoom
NO COST to schools / participants
Unconscious Bias training
For headteachers, senior leaders, collective worship leaders, all governors
This vital training will ensure you are able to recognise where there is a need for greater inclusivity within your environment
Spring Term
Wednesday 19 March 2025 CANCELLED
Welcome & Introduction to working in a Church School – ECT & new teachers
For Early Career Teachers and teachers new to church schools
This is an opportunity to meet with Early Career Teachers (previously known as NQTs) from other Church schools as well as other teachers who are new to working in Church Schools.
You will be welcomed into the Church school family and receive practical and thought provoking training on distinctive aspects of working in a church school, helping you better understand the rationale for key characteristics of church schools and how they support their pupils and communities to flourish.
The day will provide you with an understanding of what it means to work in a Church school and will signpost you to a range of further support that is available to you.
The day includes an optional invitation to join us at Evensong or Evening Prayer.
“Excellent introduction to how church schools work and how they differ from community schools. Very thorough and informative.”
Spring Term
Wednesday 26 March 2025 1.00pm –5.00pm
Venue: Parliament Room, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LR
Including lunch and a tour of the Cathedral
COST: £75.00 per delegate
Book here
Climate Action Plans
For Headteachers and Sustainability leads in schools
Hosted by the Diocesan Education team and led by Climate Advisors, these sessions are to support schools with climate action planning. Learn how to baseline your carbon in the first session and by the end of the second session we will ensure you have a fantastic Climate Action Plan. Let’s Go Zero can also deliver Carbon Literacy training and can help to signpost funding.
Session one -Getting you started with Climate Action Planning (Choose either date as the second date is a repeat of the first)
Wednesday 26 March 2025 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Thursday 3 April 2025 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Session two- Climate Action Planning (Choose either date as the second date is a repeat of the first)
Thursday 26 June 2025 1.30pm – 3.00pm
Tuesday 1 July 2025 3.30pm – 5.00pm
Online via Zoom
NO COST to schools / participants
Book here
Governors Introduction to a Church School
For Governors and Trustees of CofE Schools
This is an introduction to the unique and privileged role governors and trustees hold in Church schools. We will explore the different types of Church schools, identify the different governance structures and the key documents that support and direct governance in Church schools. You will discover the importance of the role of governors and trustees in upholding the school’s or academy’s trust deed lived out through the school’s distinctive Christian vision. New this year: an A-Z of land and buildings. There will be opportunity for questions and networking. This is essential free training for all new to governance in a Church School and those who would welcome a refresher.
“Excellent, incredibly clear and informative. Great overview suitable for wide-ranging types of church schools and academy trusts”
Spring Term
Wednesday 2 April 2025 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Venue: Parliament Room, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2BN
NO COST to schools / participants
Book here
For Headteachers and Guest
Our Autumn, Spring and Summer termly training and update sessions called Illuminate for Church school leaders will take place via Zoom.
As well as the latest news, information and updates that are important for church school leaders, each Illuminate includes a longer training item or discussion on a specific area of current interest, often including examples of good practice from our schools.
A guest may also register to attend with the headteacher eg RE subject leader, Deputy Headteacher or Senior Leader. Please book separately for each individual who will be attending the course.
Please book in at the beginning of the year to ensure that you, or a representative from your school, keeps up to date and your school does not miss out.
“Input from Education Team was fantastic and the input from schools lead on beautifully. Thank you – it was inspiring”
Summer Term
Wednesday 30 April 2025 1.15pm –2.45pm Online via Zoom
Zoom links will be sent out 1 week prior to the course
Book here
Induction for new Headteachers
For Headteachers new to headship in a Church school
This essential induction session is held centrally. It will give you an overview of the distinctive nature of Church school leadership and what it means to lead a church school. You will be introduced to the people and resources available to support you in your work. You will be welcomed by the Bishop and Education Team. You will also get the opportunity to make valuable supportive connections with other colleagues new to headship in our schools. The session includes lunch.
The course is repeated 3 times across the year to ensure all headteachers (including interim heads, acting heads and heads of school) new to Church schools in the Diocese can attend. We would encourage you to attend at the first available opportunity.
Please book separately for each individual who will be attending the course.
“A really good, insightful and informative introduction to headship in a C of E school – the sense of ‘family’ and support that is available to us”
Summer Term
Wednesday 7 May 2025 12.30pm –5.00pm
Venue: Parliament Room, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2BN
NO COST to schools or participants
Book here
Governors Introduction to a Church School
For Governors and Trustees of CofE Schools
This is an introduction to the unique and privileged role governors and trustees hold in Church schools. We will explore the different types of Church schools, identify the different governance structures and the key documents that support and direct governance in Church schools. You will discover the importance of the role of governors and trustees in upholding the school’s or academy’s trust deed lived out through the school’s distinctive Christian vision. New this year: an A-Z of land and buildings. There will be opportunity for questions and networking. This is essential free training for all new to governance in a Church School and those who would welcome a refresher.
“Excellent, incredibly clear and informative. Great overview suitable for wide-ranging types of church schools and academy trusts”
Summer Term
Thursday 8 May 2025 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Venue: Parliament Room, College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2BN
NO COST to schools / participants
Book here
Help! How can I prepare for SIAMS?
For Headteachers, governors and those who lead on the Christian character of the school including trust leaders
This is a one day course, with lunch, for headteachers, governors and those who lead on the Christian character of the school or aspects of the SIAMS framework.
The focus of this day will be to update you on the 2023 SIAMS framework. We will explore what is meant by a theologically rooted Christian Vision. We will unpick each of the inspection questions and look in more detail at the judgements and the self-evaluation process (SEF).
Please choose whether you wish to attend in the autumn, spring or summer term when making your booking.
“Excellent, incredibly clear and informative. Great overview suitable for wide-ranging types of church schools and academy trusts.” “Excellent – practical, theoretical and supportive. Lots of information, clear and concise”, “Very helpful, with many ideas to move forwards”
Summer Term
Wednesday 21 May 2025 9.45am-3.00pm
Venue: Holiday Inn, Crest Way, Barnwood, Gloucester, GL4 3RX
COST: £120.00 per delegate
Discount – second place half price, if head and chair of governors attend together on the same date
Book here
Exploring Academisation
For governors, trustees and headteachers of maintained Church Schools and SATs and headteachers. Other senior leaders are also welcome.
An opportunity to find out more about the DBE strategy for schools considering joining a School Trust, advice on how to explore your options if you are considering joining a School Trust and to obtain practical advice about the process of finding a good home in a School Trust.
We will provide updates and information to support you, including:
· the current options for Church schools considering joining a School Trust
· the DBE Policy on the academisation of Church schools and process for requesting conditional consent to join a School Trust
· helpful resources to support you in your conversations and decision-making
There will be an opportunity for questions, or to arrange a follow-up conversation with a member of the Education Team.
“Very interactive and engaging. Incredibly informative”
Summer Term
Wednesday 21 May 2025 5.00pm-7.00pm
Venue: Holiday Inn, Crest Way, Barnwood, Gloucester, GL4 3RX
COST : £60.00 per delegate
Book here
Governor CLARITY
For ALL Governors and Trustees of Church Schools
Governor Clarity presents the latest news, information and updates along with the opportunity for discussions on key issues. Open to all governors and trustees of Church of England Schools.
Please book in at the beginning of the year to ensure that you, or a representative from your school, keeps up to date and your school does not miss out.
“Very knowledgeable trainer. Informative content”
Summer Term
Wednesday 18 June 2025 6.00pm –7.30pm
Online via Zoom. Zoom links will be sent out one week prior to the course
Book here
Meet the School Trusts
For headteachers, chairs of governors, senior leaders
An opportunity to meet individuals from within the family of School Trusts who work with our schools, make connections and find out about life within a School Trust. Different sessions will include different members of School Trust families, such as CEOs, headteachers and governors within School Trusts. Further information to be provided in September.
Summer Term
Wednesday 25 June 2025 (online via Zoom) 6.00-7.30pm
NO COST to schools or participants
Book here
Chairs of Governors in a Church School
For Chairs of Governors in CofE Schools
As a support and essential training for Chairs of Governors in their unique roles within a CofE school, we will explore the different types of Church schools, identify the different governance structures and the key documents that support and direct governance in Church schools. You will discover the importance of the role of the chair in upholding the school’s or academy’s trust deed lived out through the school’s distinctive Christian vision. There will be opportunity for questions and networking.
“An excellent course leader and very easy to listen to. I was hooked!” “Very informative and relevant. Good balance of input and time for discussion”
Summer Term
Thursday 3 July 2025
COST : £60.00 per delegate
Book here