Many colleagues who become headteachers in Church of England Schools in the Diocese of Gloucester are either new to headship, new to headship in a Church of England school or new to the Diocese. The rapidly changing school environment means that the role of headteacher is becoming increasingly complex and demanding. The Board of Education is acutely aware of the need to support headteachers professionally and pastorally and have therefore developed a number of programmes to support school leaders.
Headteacher Support
The Diocese of Gloucester New Headteacher Link Scheme provides the opportunity for new colleagues to be linked up with an established headteacher within the county who will provide confidential pastoral support and professional advice for the first academic year of a new post. This scheme will be offered at the ‘Introduction to the Diocese’ meeting to which new colleagues will be invited soon after taking up their post.
Please see the Diocese of Gloucester New Headteacher Link Scheme by clicking on this link
The Diocese of Gloucester offers all our Headteachers ongoing pastoral support through the Bishop’s Visitors Scheme. Bishop’s Visitors are assigned directly to schools and they will make contact with Headteachers to arrange annual visits. You may also wish to invite your Bishop’s Visitor to additional events during the academic year. Please see the information available at the tab below, which provides further information about the Bishop’s Visitor Scheme. If you have any questions or queries about this scheme, please contact ku.gr1743166433o.coi1743166433dsolg1743166433@noit1743166433acude1743166433
The Education team provide a range of training to support church schools. These are detailed in the training brochure which can be found here along with links to the online booking forms for each course. Headteachers are invited to attend Illuminate training and update sessions which take place online in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. Look out for more information about the focus for each of these meetings, in the Diocese Education Newsletter (The DEN).
In addition to courses and training, there are a range of services offered to all our church schools at no cost. These services include:
telephone and email advice and support from 9.15am to 5pm weekdays on: governance, Religious Education, collective worship, models of leadership, school buildings and land, academisations, Church school leadership and complaints. There will be times when the team are not able to give immediate advice and guidance but please leave a message on the Education main number: 01452 835539.
We also provide:
pastoral support for headteachers; SIAMS monitoring visits; additional support for schools judged to require improvement by SIAMS; support for new Headteachers or those Headteachers new to Church schools; Foundation Governor appointments; advice, support and attendance at all Headteacher and Executive Headteacher recruitment; the Diocesan Education Newsletter (the DEN) six times each academic year; access to information on the Diocesan website; access to updates and information via email; attendance as required by a senior officer, at Ofsted feedback.
One of the most challenging times for teachers and schools is when there has been a bereavement which affects the school and wider community. We recognise that as the leader of the school you will still need to undertake your professional duties whilst managing your own grief at this time. We would like to encourage you to consider discussing how your school will react in such a situation by adopting and adapting the attached Bereavement Policy. Bereavement Policy We hope you find this document supportive including the resources and appendices. This policy has been written drawing from material from many experts, charities, organisations and local authorities. Please contact the education team for any advice and support and know that you are in our prayers ku.gr1743166433o.coi1743166433dsolg1743166433@noit1743166433acude1743166433
Bishop’s Visitors are volunteers who support Headteachers in Church of England schools in the Diocese of Gloucester. Their primary role is to provide pastoral support to the school and in particular, the Headteacher. Bishop’s Visitors receive regular training and updates from the Education department and can signpost schools to relevant support and information. For more information about Bishop’s Visitors, please contact ku.gr1743166433o.coi1743166433dsolg1743166433@noit1743166433acude1743166433
For Current Bishop’s Visitors:
BV Volunteer Role Description 2024-2025
BV Operational Guidance 2024-2025
Example BV letter – Annotated 2024-2025
Bishop’s Visitors (BVs) to Schools – Diocese of Gloucester Volunteer Scheme
Bishop’s Visitors are appointed by the Bishops of Gloucester and Tewkesbury. The aim of the scheme is to provide pastoral support to the school, especially the headteacher, as appropriate, and to foster links between the school, the local church, the wider community and the Diocese. We encourage you to read the article and watch the video below and get in touch if you have an interest in becoming a Bishop’s Visitor by emailing the Diocese of Gloucester Education Team at: ku.gr1743166433o.coi1743166433dsolg1743166433@noit1743166433acude1743166433